
Why does my tame rat keep peeing on me?

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She's gotten so social now, and never poops on me. It started off where she would do both when I got her from the feeder section. Then she stopped doing both when we bonded. She deliberately waits until later to p**p. I'm wondering if it's a health problem, because nothing bad has happened to her. Every time I pick her up now she pees. Then while sitting on me and crawling around it's like a constant string of pee following her. It's so confusing, she's not afraid of me..I don't think.

What do you think this is, and has it ever happened to you? Thanks.




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your rat, it is totally normal and healthy. Rats do have bladder control to a degree as you can see she waits until later to p**p. But all rats will mark their territory and their stuff. There is no way to stop this. When they are small they hardly do it. But when they hit sexually maturity at 4 to 6 months old they start marking. Females mark but males are even worst. You can get them spayed or neutered but there is no guarantee it will stop it. Sometimes if you are lucky it will slow down but pretty much it is part of owning a rat. I have 12 and I put a heavy blanket on my bed and play with them on the bed then I remove it when I'm done playing with them. This way I can wash it every few days and the urine marking is restricted only to the blanket and the clothes I am wearing that day. I also have that instant sanitizer that kills germs. (the kind that is instant and you don't have to rinse off). I just put it on my hands and arms after I'm done playing with my babies and that kills any germs on me. Also the person that told you to put it in it's cage every time it pees on you and it will stop is wrong. It will have no idea why you are putting it away and will not be able to make the connection. It is instinct to mark what is theirs, it is not a behaviour problem. The more he/she is possesive over you the more they mark. My male will mark me and my clothes but barely marks my boyfriend at all. If you think about it in the terms of a rat you should feel loved. You are important enough to be marked as one of his own. As they mark their family as well. If you observe a bunch of them you will see them mark each other and thats how they can tell that rat is from their family because they smell them for their scent. Also if you get another rat it will defintely keep yours company but it will not stop the marking.You will only have 2 rats that mark you instead of 1. But they are very social and need lots of contact and love. So if you can't give your rat a few hours a day maybe you should get her a friend.Good luck.

  2. rats have no bladder control so it just dribbles out, also she is probably marking her territory she is telling everything else that you are hers! :)

  3. This is normal as rats get. They are marking there territory to make sure other rats know that you are there's...Totally unstopable..unless. Praise your rat when she doesn't pee on you with a treat. When she does pee on you, simply put her back in her cage. She'll learn fast!


  4. The constant dribbles are her way of marking. Male rats mark more, but females will also scent mark.

    What I think, is that she needs a same s*x friend :). Rats are too social to be kept alone, it isn't fair to them.

  5. She's just marking. It's normal.

  6. That means she likes you

  7. thats normal, don't have her out for long, in case she has to go. i have two and for the first couple of weeks, when i had them out, theyd always pee on me. i would hate it so much. i get out of the shower then i need to get a whole nother one how long have you had her for?

  8. Rats have NO bladder control. it comes out as the body produces it. simple. =]

  9. That is a part of the rat reaching sexual maturity. Rats do this to mark their territory, and since you have bonded with her, she considers you to be her territory. I have had 4 rats, and the ones that bonded the closest to me marked me.

    I don't know how to stop it, but just wash your hands after playing with her.

  10. i think she is upset with you because she wants a playmate, you should get her a cat

  11. Your rat is claiming you as its own. Pee on it in revenge!

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