
Why does my teacher/coach supprort me?

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Coach, Was My teacher for 3 yrs. and I have known him for 4 yrs.

When I visit, he is always telling me i can run so fast, even though my 200m. is 28 and my 400m. is only 69 seconds. He is always telling me how good i did at certain things. Or how stubborn I was at practices. He is always trying to boost my confidence, because coach says," I don't have any confidence at all, which effects my running."

Why would he tell me what i do wrong?

Why would he tell, or know i do not have any confidence?

Why would he care?




  1. he tells you what you do wrong so you can work on it and be better.

    emotions are very easily picked up by people that have known you for awhile

    He cares because he probably likes you as a person. All the coaches i've known are decent people.

  2. People don't generally become teachers and coaches for the money, they do it because they genuinely want to help students and enjoy what they do.  Your coach recognizes that you needed someone to help boost your confidence and was trying to do that.  Be lucky that you have someone who cares about you like that in your life.

  3. All the coaches I've known have turned out to be sexual predators.

  4. Many of the best athletes I have coached were hindered by their confidence. As a coach, one of the major duties is to build the confidence and skills of an athlete. He is doing what a coach should do, keeping you excited and motivated about what you do. No coach wants to see anyone fail or quit. Who cares if they aren't the best right now. I was terrible at sports my whole life. Then, in my 30's I became the best at my position and was invited to go pro.

    Be glad you have such a supportive coach. He sounds awesome.

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