
Why does my teacher do this to me?

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I keep getting weird feelings about my teacher. I look at him, and we always make eye contact, I always look straight in his eyes and he looks straight back in mine when he explains stuff to me, and when we stare at each other for a few seconds then he snaps out of it and walks away.

Then sometimes he passes me a sheet, and he always touches my hand for a moment, and i've noticed he only does it with me, and no one else, so it's not like a mistake or anything.

He seems to look at me across the room, and when I look up at him he looks back down at his desk straight away.

Any ideas why he is doing this?

Also, when I see him in the corridors, and he sees me walking ahead, & he's nearly by his stairs where he walks up to his room, he sees me, and he seems to hang about for a bit so I walk past him without missing him as he walks up the stairs, and always goes hiya lisa.. then looks back when I walk past him aswell?




  1. He like'z you... Lol How old r u? Nd how old is ur teacher... reply back plz...

  2. It could be that he loves you as a student .. It may get serious..

    Anyways, you're the one to begin.. He's just replying :)

  3. Ha I think it's funny and kinda cute he likes you even though he's your teacher...

    yeaa You herd me lol he likes you which even though it's cute it's also kinda weird...

    even though I'm 13 I can still tell when people like sertain people.... and if you don't like him then try to stay away from him...

  4. Sounds like he fancies you Lisa.

    You didn't say how old you are, but it sounds like he has a major crush on you or just wants to drink in your beauty so he can m*sturbate at night dreaming of you.

    As to him letting you go upstairs before him that is so he can see your lovely little b*m.

    Hope this helps

  5. you should tell someone cos teachers aren't supposed to do that

  6. he's noticing you!

    its happened to me once a pizza hut guy(made eye contact),thrn kept staring @ men actin weirdly,

    avoid luking @him if you don like it!! that's wot i did,but mine was temporary...also ignore him(not tooo harsh!!)

    hope it helps!

  7. sounds to me like you are either reading too much into it or its flirting which is completely out of line for a teacher and his students so if you are sure its not your head playing tricks and its making you uncomfortable id talk to your parents and report him to the principle...

  8. My dear Lisa... long as he is not "initiating" anything "worse", I really think, you shouldn't put that much "worth" into it ! Maybe he just likes you (a little more than the "rest" of the class)...which is not at all anything to be "alarmed" about ! soon as his actions go beyond what you've explained, then I would "report" him to the administration !

    Wishing you all the best for the future! Greetings from Germany...with all my love & care...Annette***

  9. i would avoid him and in class dont look at him unless you have to.

    a teacher was getting too personal to me and in the end he got sacked because he did even worse things to another student.

    If it carrys on tell another teacher that you trust.

  10. He hates you.

  11. If he really does then he could be fired for this. You are a pupil he is a teacher leave it at that.  

  12. This is slightly disturbing but nothing to be alarmed at. He just likes you a little more than the rest of the class however if it gets any worse I would tell someone about it maybe someone you can confide it hyperthetically. Like say

    "Say there was this person of authority who keeps looking at me and touches my hand..." and go on from there

    Godd Luck wb

    My emai is

  13. i think hes making a beeline at u pls complain 2 ur princy

  14. 1. your flirting with him and messin with his head

    2. he has unsavoury thoughts about you

  15. those behaviors of his seem too personal for the teacher and student relationship, keep an eye out for more of his behaviors like this and notify the administration if he does anything inappropiate to anyone.

  16. u could tell the principal but he would probably be fired so tell him that he is making u feel wired he may not even relize he is doing it  

  17. he may like u or he may be a weirdo. or he could like you and is trying to stop himself. i think u should let it be and if anything happens report it.

  18. get a grip

    you are seeing more in this than there is and its all down to stupid teenage hormones...

    leave well alone or there may be trouble ahead........

  19. Please tell your parents or headteacher what he is doing could lose him his job and possibly  a jail sentance.

  20. Well, does it bother you? If it does, then you need to talk to someone about it. I had a very similar experience when I was in school, the strange thing though is that it didn't bother me at all. I went into his class room at break times (because I was having 'friend troubles' at the time...) and we just talked. He asked how I was, how lessons were going, how my brother is (he used to teach my brother too). When we crossed paths in the corridor he'd always say hello and ask how I am and like, put his hand on my shoulder as we passed eachother. I don't think he did this with any other of his students, but maybe it's just because I didn't play up in his lessons ^.^ I think that what is going on with you and your teacher is harmless, but if it is getting to a stage where it's creeping you out, you should definatley tell someone.

  21. wow lisa, this is a very delicate situation.  i  had a couple of guy teachers that acted like that to me, but  i wasn't sure what was going on, so I talked to my dad about it, without  giving names.  Dad asked me if the teachers were giving me 'special attention', as in they were caring  enough about my needs to help me more han other students that didn't need as much attention.  I thought about it, and I could see that was possible.  Dad also asked how i felt about them, especially the teacher that put is  hand on my shoulder when he was standing by my desk and showing me something in my textbook with his othe hand.  THAT'S the teacher taht  really bothered me, not knowing what he was intending.  When dad asked me about HIM, I was confused, and wasn't sure of  what the teacher was doing, if anything.  Since I couldn't decide what  was happening, if anything WAS happening, so dad called my counselor at school, and asked if we could meet with her and the teacher and talk about it informally.  Well, we had the meeting, and my counselor asked me to  tell her and the teacher what i had talked to dad about, and thow i felt about it.    The poor guy almost had a coronary; he din't even realize thathe was dingthis, as he had done the same thing with other students, including boys, for as long as he could remembr.  He was using the hand contact as a tool to help me relax an be able to talk to him and ask questions without feeling stupid.  I found out later that he was only interested in helping me, and never thought of anything else.  I could accept that because he never did anyting like touching me (or any othe student) out of class.  I was satisfied, dad was satisfied, and so was my counselor that nothing was meant by his attention to be anything more than being a good  teacher.  We got invited to his weddinga couple years later, but we didnt go, altoug dad said it was appropriate to send him and his new wife a card and a small  wedding present.  I sent him a framed picture of me in my graduation gown and hat, and worte "Thank you' on it.  

    If yo uare feeling uncomfy about this, you really need totalk with your parents openly and calmly, and  let hem know your feings.  The ycan arrange to speak with the teacher like my dad did, and no one wll have ot get hurt feelings if everything is  innicent in nature with him.  If not, then the matter can be addressed, and you  dont need to worry about it any more ftethat.

    (word of advice: stick to grazing with your own herd--its safer for  everyone)

  22. If You Feel That Uncomfortable Report Him

    Because Its Not What A Teacher Should Be Doing,

    But Hes Not Like Trying To Touch You Anywhere Else,

    So Its Not That Bad :S


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