I dont know how to deal with my 13 year old daughter anymore. Everyone in our family gets along but we can never enjoy ourselves if my daughter is around. She has something bad to say about everything. We are growing further and further apart because she is not interested in anything the family is doing. If we are not blowing money on her like the rest of her friends (which I dont), then she is pissed off about it. SHe seems angry all the time. When I ask her why, she says she is mad because she doesnt like anybody telling her what to do. Is this normal? I dont remember acting this way with my mother at her age and I wasnt a saint myself. She goes as far as to walk separated from us whenever we go out and always makes fun of my hair, my weight gain, etc. I just had a baby. I just feel like I dont like her most of the time because she is so mean to everyone. Is there anything I can do to change this?