
Why does my throat burn after eating ice cream???

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Okay, so I have no allergies to food/milk or anything. I have this mild burning sensation in the back of my throat (not my mouth) only after eating ice cream (all types)... and I have no idea why!! any ideas??




  1. Sounds like you might have an allergy... call your doc!!

  2. Slow down when eating ice-cream!

    It sounds like you're getting throat-freeze instead of brain-freeze.

  3. Hi,

    I have issues with ice cream and I changed to soy based vanilla ice cream, which stopped my reaction.

    It tastes quite OK. As an experiment, give it a try.



  4. You can get allergy testing. Go to an allergist doctor. I have plenty of allergies myself. To get tested, they take little needle and just make TINY pricks into your arm to allow fluid from many possible things you may be allergic to. When you start to geta hive from on the of the fluids, they know you are allergic to that item. It sounds painful, but I have had it done 2 times in the past 6 years. If you choose, you only have to have it done once, but my parents were concerned that my allergies changed. It only feels as if a hairbrush is scraping you. Think of topics to talk about with whoever takes you, and talk about them, and the time will fly by.

    God bless, and hope you find a solution.

    I took time to write this. please best answer me.

  5. Are you getting sick?

  6. it could be a reaction/allergy to a food additive like a preservative or a coloring agent. some emulsifiers that are used in ice cream can cause minor reactions...

    check the labels, see if there's anything chemical that they all have in common, try to find one without it, and see if you react differently, try to eliminate the possibilities.

    if it doesn't bother you, don't stress about it.

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