
Why does my v****a smell bad? I am very hygenic and I don't have an infection?

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I am 15 and this has always been the case for me! I don't have an infection and I shower daily! I don't use soap to clean it though. Could that be why?

It's a really bad smell and my boyfriend (19) Really hates it! He says it smells like a bad fishy smell.. Can someone help??




  1. Maybe its what ur putting into ur body. Try to change up ur diet, drink lots of water, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, because u already know everything that goes in has to come out some how!! Also, switch ur soap use something that doesn't have a lot of fragrance to it, it throws ur vaginal ph balance off which can cause a yeast infection. You can also pour vinegar in the tub when u take a bath. Hope I was of some help to u!

  2. DON'T use soap! It's good that you're not using it because it disturbs the pH down there which can cause infections. Just use pH balanced soap free stuff. You need to clean it really well down there though.

    But if you've done all that and the smell hasn't gone away, maybe you already have a hormonal imbalance, you should speak to a doctor about it.

    Good luck...oh and your boyfriend doesn't sound very nice, does his p***s smell like roses?

  3. Firstly, your not supposed to use soap anyway. If you do make sure its one that has PH balance so it doesn't mess with your ph levels.

    You can get feminine deodorants that are specially formulated for your v****a. (Vagisil in uk). Or if it is too much of a problem, see your doctor. It could just be too much bacteria down there! Good luck!

  4. You need to use soap. Make sure to use a mild soap with no dyes, lotions or perfumes (Ivory is a basic soap). Do not let the soap get into your v****a, not only does it sting but messes with your chemistry and makes matters of smell worse (as does douching, so NEVER douche). Make sure as well that you dry off really well after you bathe, and if you prefer tubs over showering, rinse off in the shower.

    Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluid (4 glasses of water per day) and drink a glass of cranberry juice each day. As well, wear 100% cotton underwear during the day, and none at  when you sleep at night. It helps that area breathe.

    Still though, because of the odor you should see your doctor.

  5. Do you let your bf come inside you?  Don't!  Sperm is one cause of vaginal odor.    

  6. all vaginas smell fishy

  7. Eat fruit, lots and lots of fruit, mostly citrusy, like oranges and pineapples.. Try washing it aswell, if you dont like it then maybe use a different soap.

    Hope that helps!

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