
Why does my vision get clearer when I close my eyes a little, and diabetes question...?

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My vision is quite blurry, I am going to a doctor soon, but I have a question. Why when I look at far away things and it is blurry, I close my eyes a little bit not all the way, it's more like a stretch, the vision gets clear, but then when I look at the same spot without stretching my eye like that it is blurry again? Sometimes when I get adjusted to outside view and I come in some building it is blurry. I don't have diabetes. The only similar symptoms that I have that can be associated with diabetes is my weight loss and the vision, but still when I make the eye stretch, vision gets clear. I have also exercised a lot and eat healthier food now so that's where the weight loss comes from. The only family member that has diabetes is my grandma's brother.




  1. You can control and even get rid of the diabetes problem by changing your diet, most likely.  I suggest you go see a Certified Nutritional Therapist to have them test you for any deficiencies you may have and to recommend a diet and possibly some supplements.

    In regard to your eye issue, many eye problems can be traced directly back to nutritional deficiencies.  Also, there are some genetic reasons, but it is mostly nutritional.  The reason you can see better when you squint is the same reason you can take 2 pieces of thin cardboard and put a small round hole in each of them.  Place them in front of your eye and they will work as glasses and cause you to see better.  The light entering your eye will be more focused on one area of your retina and not rely on the total shape of the eyeball.

    good luck

  2. Er, I don't know why you would think that your vision  is somehow related to being diabetic.. when you're not diabetic.

    It sounds like you have a simple refractive error. As in, you need glasses. Nothing major or life-changing.. just, you need glasses.

  3. Your vision gets clearer because squinting reduces the lens

    area that your eye has to focus.  If you did get diabetes, it

    might also cause glaucoma.  A glaucoma test is one of the

    early detectors of diabetes.  Get screened for Lasik (its free

    by law) they will test you for glaucoma.  As for your blurry vision,

    an ophthalmologist can diagnose the problem quickly and

    offer you several (and probably expensive) options.

  4. you're squinting to make things easier to see. it's an optician you need to see, not a doctor. contacts or glasses should sort you out. if your sight gets worse you will need to squint more and more to see and (trust me) you look very silly when squinting! plus having bad eyesight that's not corrected by glasses or contacts can give you headaches.

  5. No one on the internet can answer if you have diabetes, however the rate for diabetes is increasing every year and you don't necessarily have to have a family history of it.

    You need to see an eye doctor and/or your primary care physician to find out if you are.

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