
Why does my voice sound different?

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why does my voice sound different when i hear it on a voice recorder? does my real voice sound like how i hear it in my head or how it sounds when i play it back in a video, etc.?




  1. That was rude "No you didnt help." God, they did there best.

    Your voice sounds different to you. And the recorder might have somthing wrong with it to make it seem different to.

    Hope I answered that question.

    Yes, gardening surfer you helped with 1 question. But god forbid you dont answer another one of hers.

  2. Your voice sounds to others as you hear it on the recorder.   You can test this simply.  Have a friend say something into the recorder, then you say something.  Play it back.  If the recorded voice of your friend sounds right to you, then what you hear when you hear your voice will be right.  That's how you sound.  If your friend's voice sounds wrong or distorted when played back, then your voice will be too and you need to get a new recorder.

    Most people are surprised to hear how they sound if they have never heard themselves before or have not recently.  Some do not even recognize themselves.

  3. because wen you speak you hear the sound waves going in front of you which creates a larger wavelength

    however when u hear it on a recorder or any audio source its a higher frequency so your voice would sound slightly higher than when you hear your own voice

    hope i helped :):)

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