
Why does my washing machine smell like dirty damp cloths?

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when my washing machine is empty i have to makesure the door is left closed because there is a smell like dirty damp clothes coming from it although i cant see any problems?




  1. Closing the door will make it worse. Run a couple of washes on boil. This will kill off bacteria that emit the pong. Make sure the discharge pipe is positioned so that it goes to a high point early (see your handbook re plumbing installation). Check the pump if it is one that you can clean out (again the handbook will say). After that leave the door ajar after washing.

  2. You should always run your machine empty on a hot wash every month to keep it clean.

    Try putting a strong solution of Soda Crystals in the machine and run on a hot wash.

    Soda Crystals are great for removing stains like grease, blood, ink, tea and coffee stains from clothes.

    I put a solution of it down my sinks and toilet bowl every few weeks to keep them smelling nice and clean.

    You can buy them in any supermarket for about £1 a packet.  

  3. Does it have a lint trap?  Some older washers have a lint trap.

  4. The filter is probably clogged, clean it out.

  5. use normal baking soda with ever wash (1 large table spoon ) at first.

    then i tea spoon' just put it in with the washing powder and after about 5 or 6 washs the smell should be gone'


    do the same with a dish washer  

  6. as much as trying the above is probably helpful, I find when the glass on your w/m door starts to look greasy and streaky, run a 95 wash with nothing in it, just to give it a really good rinse. usually helps me. also, make sure you dont leave washing in your drum for long after the wash has finised xx

  7. what kind of washer do you own?

    If you have a front load washer you may have a wet sock or something behind the seal in the door. You might need to clean behind there too. I have a front load and you are supposed to clean behind there because of the build up of soap.  

  8. Get a big bottle of really cheap vinegar and pour it all into your machine then run it through a hot cycle with no clothes.  In future leave the lid/door open as it will help air out your machine as thats most likely what has caused the smell to start with.

  9. try cleaning out the pump filter (if yours has one). if not get some fabric freshener and do a quick was with an overdose of the stuff.

    the main culprit tho is where all the water has not left the bottom of the drum, hence stagnant water.

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