
Why does my website not load properly?

by  |  earlier

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i made a website on dreamweaver and when i preview it it all works. so i uploaded it to my free server using stp client but when i look at the website only the layout is there please help leo. the is the website.




  1. down load filezilla (it is FREE) when you have it on your pc open it  yo u will see host and a little box next to it , if you are with

    i think you have to type in

    then your username for the site and then the password the click on quick connect,

    once you have connected it can take a few times go to your folder that you have your site in, open it and up load your index page first, then up load all the rest of your site . this also will a few times to work, so be patient,

      type in your site url in the browser and see if it opens your home page. if it does then check to see if the links are working , if some pages do not open then they could not have been uploaded to your host .

    so go back to filezilla and up load all your files again , if you have a file which is already on your host sever you will get a pop up I click over write , do this to all the times it happens , when it has finished check your site again .

    if pages do not work on your links check them in dreamweaver , if you make any changes then you must up load that file again for it to work on your site , if you get problems just ask and i will do my best to help you alec t

  2. you have uploaded the page. Did you upload the files that are linked from it? Also did you set the links as relative, if not they will still be looking for your computer which is not available on the web.

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