
Why does my wife get mad me? i see men checking her out and i get pissed!?

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she says im insecure! is it all that bad to care about wife? i respect other mens wives and g/f. i just wish they would do the same




  1. Obvious mismatch. You should have married an ugly woman, and she should have married an adult.  

  2. you have a problem, other men can look at her all

    they want, she's attractive, grow up

  3. nooo uu r not insecure tryy 2 speakkk  wid her

  4. YES you are insecure.  

  5. well i guess people just have different morals in this world i do to but not liek yours but then i try to stay openminded and not take anything serious

    im sure everyone out thier in this world checks people out

    what matters is if they are respecting boundaries and showing respect and turn aroudn when people are looking at them so that they dont get caught  

  6. if a man or a woman say that dont get jealous when someone checks their spouses out...they are a LIE or they really dont care about their spouse. NOW I said a lil jealous but not PSYCHO!!! acting crazy is not called for. sometimes i see other girls checking out my husband and think. "WHAT THE F*%$!! I WANA FIGHT" but i only think it and get over it. the problem is when you cant stop thinking about it or you starting acting crazy and try to get physical over someone just looking. ALL IN ALL!!! i think you are normal just like everyone else.

  7. Well, unlike other people I'm not going to insult you.  It is good that you respect other people's girlfriends and wives by not gawking at them.  Unfortunately you cannot control other people.  Getting upset will not help you.  Just be flattered that you have such a beautiful wife, and be happy because you know she is going home with you.  Yes, people are rude when they gawk but you can't control that.

    Just be happy.  Hope this helps!

  8. Yep. Your wife is right. You're insecure. Men look. That's just a fact of life. Frankly, I don't believe you don't, although I commend you if you are not obvious about it. But men look. There is nothing you can do about it. There is nothing your wife can do about it. So why make a big fuss over it? It embarrasses your wife, and it is unrealistic. A little looking never hurt anyone. So when you get all ticked off about it, it makes her feel guilty and it makes her question why you are so upset. Do you not trust her? Do you not think that she is so beautiful that other men would think she was hot? Unless you have some other, concrete reason to think your wife is up to something, I suggest you just get over it.

    Good luck!

  9. How can you get mad at her when other men check her out? She has no control over who's looking at her. It is immature to be pissed that other guys look at her. She's probably attractive and that's probably one of the reasons you're with her. If you don't want guys looking at you woman, find a less attractive woman. She's right. You are insecure. Not all men are as respectful as you when it comes to checking out other women. You've got that going for you though!

  10. coz she doesnt know what else to do caught red-handed!

    is your wife very beautiful?

    maybe the way she dresses doesnt suggest that she's married that's why men check her out...

    you need to sit down with her and tell her you dont like it.....

    (maybe you should try doing the same thing to her so she'd come to her senses- BAD IDEA BUT SOMETIMES THINGS GET OUTTA HAND!)

  11. She probably likes the attention, you can't do anything about men looking at her, just be glad its not her looking at them!  You should feel proud that they think YOUR woman looks good.

  12. Perhaps she's embarrassed.  It's normal to look at someone who you find attractive.  It's rude to stare though.  It's great that you're protective of your wife, but there really isn't anything you can do about other men looking at her.  She's attractive.  Be proud.  If they do something to harm or disrespect her, feel free to let your caveman out.

  13. Kudos to you for actually caring maybe she is dressing too provocative maybe ask her to cover up a lil more. She should be more respectful of you and your feelings and not ask for unwanted attention. I live in a military town my husband is deployed and i cant even go to walmart without having some jack *** hit on me i dont dress S****y at all and i usually mind my own business i dont make eye contact and i kinda put off the ***** appeal so they get the hint. lol but they dont stupid fuckers. I dont think ur insecure at all and she really has no reason to get pissed esp if she is askin for the attention. One time my husband and i went to the mall and i wore a low cut shirt i do have big b***s so they draw attention and every guy that walked by i guess was starring at the girls well my husband was like yea they are nice huh or quit lookin at my wife just whatever came to his mind i never got mad i was more embarrassed with myself for dressing that way and i decided to not dress like that anymore. Just hard tho cuz we want to look good for you not the other men but somehow it looks like we want attention by dressing like that which for some women yes that is the case but not all of us are like that. She needs to be more respectful to you. Good luck!

  14. if she gets mad then it's actually her way of saying that you should trust her and hey, you're married she isn't looking for guys in her life anymore but women just generally get boosts in confidence and feel good when guys are checking them out

  15. You should be proud and secure enough in yourself that other guys think shes attractive.  Maybe shes mad because of the way you show how upset you are if they look at her?  Tone it down and consider yourself lucky to have a pretty wife that other guys think is attractive.

  16. quit being insecure.

    She must be nice to look at

    If you want that attention from women then step your game up and hit up a gym or get some dumbbellss or bands.

  17. See it as a compliment. Other guys think your wife is hot, and while they only get to see her for a couple of seconds, you get to go home and f**k her. Don't take it as an insult or disrespect.

  18. Firstly, why would you get pissed it's because you don't feel the sense of security. Secondly, please get it clear that you are JEALOUS not ANGRY... and you shouldn't get PISSED of your wife because it's not as if she flirts with them, she can't control the way others look at her.

    You should be proud of yourself that your wife is still attractive and at the end of the day, she's still sleeps on the same bed as you not those guys! So why get pissed or angry or jealous? It just kills the marriage. If that's not what you want, then try to look things at the positive point of view. You can choose to be proud of yourself, of your wife instead of getting yourself pissed off and break the relationship because of it...

    All human loves and attracted to pretty things. :) Those guys probably are jealous over you, maybe your wife is way prettier or attractive than their wife / gf? :p

    Chills and Cheers!~

  19. If she is flirty and invites the attention, then you have a right to get upset.  But if she is just attractive and men naturally look, you have no reason to get upset about it and I would be exasperated with you, too!

  20. check out other women you will see your wife get insecure in a hart beat..but for real you cant get made ever time some dude checks out your wife you are inserure  

  21.   Save that energy for something else.  You obviously have a very attractive wife.   Do you know that song by John Meloncamp, "Little Pink Houses?"  Well, there is a verse when he sings to his aging wife,

    "I can remember when you could stop a clock...."  

    Let her enjoy this time in her life where her outside beauty is noticed.  After all, she married you, she's with you.  She won't leap on one of the guys checking her out!  I commend you for respecting other's wives.    

  22. shes correct dude your insecure

    Big difference in caring for her  

    and being on the verge of a mad jealous husband

    Dude i use to date a lady who modeled  for a company similar to victory's secret  men every where  

    i was so proud  after the show  id walk out  her on my arm

    strutting my stuff   cause i knew  where she was going and who with

    don't ya wish your gf was hot like mine lol

    i suppose you could of married some one  all the guys check out

    except   dang  what dog

    then  you'd be happy no man   chill

    I tell you this   sounds like your telling her you don't trust her

    I bet your blood pressure is sky high  when shes out with the girls etc

    relax bro  enjoy your ladies beauty  

    and its kewl  for her  to get checked out

    cause  she knows   who  her  man is

    you big dog   you the  man

    so be the man   have enough faith in your wife  to have faith in yourself

    she will appreciate it

    Now  some   freak  gets close  or touches   lay that prick out

    send him way   the P***k out into space

  23. Just because men look at your wife does not mean they are disrespecting you. If anything they are admiring you for having such a beautiful wife, and they probably are saying to themselves how blessed you are. You should not  feel  insecure, imagine how many women are looking at you, people are going to look, but that does not mean no disrespect, and it is so harmless, you are working yourself up for nothing, and realize, your behavior and reaction is what will cause you and your wife problems, because you are more or less saying in your mind that you don't trust her, is it really worth pushing your wife away from you? She gets mad at you because of the accusation, and then what can your wife really do about stopping men from looking? she has no control over what people do with" their eyes."

  24. To answer your question, she gets mad because your behavior is inappropriate and offensive.  And you are overreacting to other men's gazes at your wife.  On the positive side, you are deeply in love with your wife and your instincts take over to tell other dogs to back off.

    Your behavior is primal in a modern intellectual society.  When I fell in love for the first time, I did the same thing.  Maybe it's the passion in me, I don't know.  But other people admiring my partner is really not worth making a scene.  I learned to calm down and be proud of my attractive partner.  I don't notice other people looking me or my partner.

    There are millions of people out there - you can choose to see it as disrespect and respond negatively or, you can take it as a compliment that you have the babe, and he doesn't - and react with gladness.

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