
Why does my wife take so long cookin my dinner?

by Guest67096  |  earlier

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Why does my wife take so long cookin my dinner?




  1. go ask her if you can help........then you will see whats shes making that way you can tell if its worth the wait.....

  2. You have not said how long she takes?

    Perhaps you could buy her a time management book.  

  3. I don't know. I am not in your kitchen. Perhaps you could try helping her and then you'd find out. Better still, offer to make the dinner yourself.

  4. tell her to put it in 15 minutes earlier

  5. Because she goes next door chinese takeaway to order a meal when it is a long queue.

  6. Probably because she doesn't thaw the meat/chicken before.  She probably waits until is time to cook. and  she might preparing you fancy dinners.

    You might want to try helping her, there is nothing wrong with that.

  7. Probably she gets home from work the same time as you!

  8. If you helped her, you'd get your dinner quicker.

  9. If you are that hungry, go help!

    I think if I was her and knew you were complaining, I'd start throwing frozen TV dinners in the oven or making Hamburger Helper and see how much you like that.

  10. Because she is in the kitchen dreaming of being with someone who may help her out, and not sitting on there fat *** waiting for their dinner

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