
Why does my wife think she is my equal now?Anyone have a similar problem?

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She starting reading some books on feminism ( I thought they were books to teach her how to be a dutiful wife til I looked up the term).

Now when I tell her to make me a sandwich, or fetch me a beer, she snarls at me and says "get it yourself".

And when I ask her why I don't have a pressed shirt to wear for work, she snaps "Cause I gave the maid the day off". This perplexes me because I was not aware that we even had a maid. I had assumed that my wife were being a good wife and took care of those things on her own.




  1. Wow, be ready for some rude answers.  So I will are a Troll.

  2. she doenst THINK shes ur equal.



    u stupid pig.

  3. Serves you right for settling for just the one wife. Do as The Nolte did, and assemble a harem. If one disobeys, I discard him/her and still have the other 2 dozen or so spouses to fall back on.

  4. OMG, I thought your breed of dumb a**** disappeared from earth. But I guess not your still here smelling up the place. First of all she is and always will be your equal. Anyone who can look and that much bacon and not scream is a good person. And when to tell her to fetch or to get you something she snarls at you. Well that's what you do to get piggy to understand that its a bad little piggy. What really got me is you had to find out what kind of book she was reading. I didn't know piggy could read.(bad piggy). She should have a maid, nice hunky guy to help her clean up little piggy's messes. Piggy like . Good piggy.  

  5. If you don't see your wife as an equal partner in the relationship, you both need professional counseling right now.

  6. She isn't your equal, she is better than you.  

  7. Well you treat her like c**p you are going to get it back


  8. She probably has your balls in her purse right now, as we speak... succumb piggy, you haven't an atheist's chance in heaven now. ;)

  9. Crack that whip!!!!  Sounds like you've gotten lazy about the management of your household.   Maybe she'll give you your testicles back for Christmas.

  10. Is this lady even potty trained? You definitely have quite a mess on your hands.

  11. Thanks for the 2 points. Jerk.

  12. Well you both have the wrong ideal of what equal means. It doesn't mean she is your slave and it doesn't mean you are her sugar daddy. It means that you both are the same in the marriage that will make it whole. What she lacks , you have. What you lack she has. If there isn't any reason why you can't get your own beer and sandwich then she should remind you that she is not your maid. If she works out side the home, then its just as much your duty to help in the home as hers. Being equal means that each of you share a hugh part in the marriage but are equal in the part in which you play. A wife's place is just as equal to a mans place. They are different but still equal.Two equals make a whole.

  13. Bad piggy, you better hope she doesn't make bacon out of you.

  14. Even though by some standards women must be sub - servant to their husbands. This is wrong.

    Wives are equal to you.

    The bible even tells husbands to love their wives as they love their own selves.

    In other words, if you want your wife to be a servant. Then you should serve her.

    Stop being such a chauvinistic male.

  15. Simple answer is, when she get´s uppity lock her in the cupboard until she comes to her senses, you will soon see an improvement, plus, you must choose her reading material for her but you can get your mother to help you with this, Women learn all they need from Hello magazine and Cooking for the Perfect Husband.  

  16. I know!  I totally understand!  My husband seems to think that because he works and brings home money for us and takes care of us, that he actualy HAS AN OPINION about stuff! LMAO!  What a tardo!  I tell him to give me all of his money so that I can get my hair done, my nails finished and a new wardrobe... then I tell him to make sure the house and clothes are clean when I get home and that the kids are well taken care of, and he actually thinks he can say something about how he "needs help".

    OMG, husbands and wives.  Who the h**l do they think they are?

  17. BECAUSE SHE IS EQUAL!!!!! If my husband ever treated me that way he would get a slap up side the head...make your own d**n sandwich and get off your lazy a** and get your own beer. Maybe you should start doing things for your wife and then maybe she would be more willing to do things for you in return. Marriage is a partnership not where one person rules over the other one... seriously!  


  19. Are you from the stone age buddy ?  When people do things for each other in a relationship, it's because they want to, not because the have to. Marriage is also give and take amongst other things, but you should show respect for your wife and appreciate the things she does do for you. I would be interested to know what you do for her.  Keep being a chauvinistic pig and your marriage will soon be on the rocks. Maybe she wouldn't mind doing some things for you if you showed appreciation and not expectation.  Tell her you are sorry for how you have been treating her and sit down to discuss how to help each other out with household chores.  You better change if you want your marriage to be a happy lasting one. Good luck and do the right thing. Oh, and by the way she is your EQUAL.

  20. she's only acting like you are equals to spare your feelings of true inferiority... stop trolling or at least make up something more interesting.

  21. I agree with the girl up there so here's your second insult jerk!

  22. Honey is over> welcome to women lib>

  23. soooo you had nothing to do on a saturday night but try to get a rise from yahoo answers lol your funny

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