
Why does my writing come out so....dark?

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I love to write non-rhyming poetry. I just don't undrstand why everytime I put a pencil in my hand, these creepy dark images apear.




  1. we always remember the moments of our sadness when we are alone... i guess that the papers and the pens are so tempting to make us sad, to remember and to Record our sadness.... that is why we feel better when we write a poem or draw some picture,, because we take all these dark emotions out of ourselves and trasnfer them into words and images that others would share,,, i love your question

  2. Along with your first answer, loneliness creates sadness. I too, find it much easier to focus on the darker side of life when I write. I believe that it is because writing is a healing process, when we write, we want to heal, we want to right a wrong in our mind if we can't in the real world. It takes a lot of work to focus on something to write good things about it, like nature, or happiness, or love. Pain is just a ground where we all connect, and everyone is looking for connection. But don't fear your dark poetry, sometimes you just have to get it out of your system, and then you can create beauty and peace. But, darkness is a part of humanity. Don't fear your humanity. It's what makes you beautiful.

  3.    One reason could be that most of what you're exposed to is dark, somewhat morbid poetry, I know, it's everywhere! You can't hardly flip through a poetry book without seeing some teen describing their 'secret, mysterious, passionate inner existence that nobody understands', often with suicidal undertones.

       The funny thing is that I find myself in much the same boat as you! I'm a very bright, happy person, but sometimes when I write, dark guttural words spill out onto the page. I think that that is because it is the easiest thing to write. It takes little or no skill or effort to express the deepest darkness of the human soul, love, hate, mystery, etc.. What takes real effort is writing creatively about things outside of ourselves, things that aren't innate and ingrained in our natures.

       Try purposefully writing about something more than raw emotion. An experience, a movie, a person, may inspire something a bit lighter and more coherent than what you're creating now. So, have fun! And don't let darks thoughts cover you, just replace them with more interesting, challenging images.  

  4. Poetry is typically (and should be) a reflection of your own emotions... your own state of mind. Robert Frost says "A poem begins with a lump in the throat; a home-sickness or a love-sickness. It is a reaching-out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found the words." I suspect if you were happily in love, there was world peace,  or you had won the lottery recently your poetic focus would be the opposite of its current state.

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