
Why does my young daughter hump her toys asif she is having s*x, how does she know how to do this ?

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she is 7 years old and she just rubs up against pillows or teddies in her bed, she thinks she is doing it in private but a can see her doing it sometimes. i dont want to confront her as she is the type of child confrontation would upset




  1. the happened to my daughter when she was a baby. I took her to the best of the best Brain doctors to find out what was going on. They said it was common and to rule out any kind of abuse. Because she had never been without me no babysitter, not my mom, her dad anyone I knew that she wasn't being abused so they just said it was masturbation. a common thing and that she would grow out of it. They said she doesn't have a sexual connection to what she does. Like she doesn't get the feeling like we do she just knows that it makes her feel good and relieves stress. She would more commonly do it when she was mad or tired. It started when she was about 6 months. (they said that was rarely young) and it stopped at about 1 1/2 almost 2 She never did it again. I also told her that it was inappropriate to do in public so I trained her that it was something she needed to ask permission for which was really freaky but the doctors said not to make her self conscious about it. Don't worry she won't grow up to be some crazy s*x fiend stripper or anything. My daughter is grown and she is just fine. Hope this helps!

  2. Its just human nature and instinct, it feels good so they continue doing it. My youngest son did this from time he was 6 months old until he was about 7 or 8. I had several discussions with him as to what was proper and where but he would have to be reminded sometimes, let her know that you see what she does sometimes and that its not very lady like

  3. alot of little kids actually have found out how to m********e

    it was even on House

  4. I'm guessing she is between 1 and 4 years of age correct? She is definately doing what any of us would do at her age if we found out about o****m that young. She has figured out how to soothe herself through o****m. She probably figured out how to do this by total chance, but when she discovered it, why would she want to stop if it feels good? So she will probably continue to do this for a very long time (forever) and as she gets older she will learn how to do it in private or under the covers (blankets). Do not worry, many girls do this, and it's very normal. Do not put her down for doing it, do not make a big deal about it. But if it begins to bother you, just ask her politely to do it "in private" alone in her bedroom at night or something.

    Do not worry, this is not a sign of sexual abuse. What it is though, is a "lucky" thing that your daughter has a great sexual drive and a very well functioning clitoris! She will be one lucky lady when she gets older.

  5. You didn't say how old she was? Often times kids will 'discover' that touching certain areas feels good. So maybe she is using toys to touch those areas. Tell her that this is inappropriate to do in public in front of people and that it is a private thing.

  6. Heath class teach about s*x and babies.

  7. That's actually more normal than you'd think, especially in this day and age. If you think about it, when mankind started, we had to get the notion to mate somehow. With all of the things that are considered to be allowed in G and PG movies, along with the strangeness of cartoons on television, this topic is becoming more and more known to younger and younger ages.

    Have a talk about privacy, you don't have to tell her about what it is or why she shouldn't do it in front of people, but tell her that she should keep those things to herself, just like she should use the bathroom in private.

    Good Luck.

  8. she probably discovered somehow that it feels good?

  9. wow I can't believe how misinformed a lot of people are.  This is not sexual activity.  And it is not stemming from abuse because sexual abuse is about power and domination, not feeling good 'down there' especially if she were a victim!  Come on!  A child would want to recreate the abuse to feel good?!?!?  

    What is happening is that as a human being, she has discovered that parts of her body (HER body) are pleasurable to touch.  It is not dirty, wrong or sinful.  It is human.  If it felt good to rub her elbow, she'd be doing that.  

    I agree that a talk is in order with her about private parts and private activity.   If she is made to feel that it is wrong or embarrassed or forbidden to do it, she will get mixed messages from you that in say, 6 years will come back to haunt you.  If you are matter of fact and explain that some touching feels good and it is ok to do it in private, she will appreciate her body.

  10. be careful who is babysitting

  11. Sounds like someone older has shown her this. Young children do not know to behave like this. Someone has awakened something in her that was supposed to be left alone.

  12. how old is she and how do you know that she is humping them?

  13. When you say young you old? See, I agree with the first careful with who is watching her. It is possible that she saw this on TV or walked in on someone. That is very weird.

  14. how old is she?? thats slightly disturbing, sorry to say that. maybe she has seen it on tv or on the internet in popups

  15. Don't make a big deal of it.  I accidentally discovered the same thing when I was young.  Somehow some children just discover it.  They may brush up against something a certain way and realize it feels good.  It isn't even sexual, it is just something they enjoy and all humans look for enjoyment.  Please do not think she is sick or something is wrong or someone taught her this, give me a break.  My guess is that if a child is being sexually molested they are NOT enjoying it and it would probably deter them from masturbating for enjoyment.

  16. She may have gotten it from one of her playmates.

  17. theres this girl in my neighborhood who always lifts up her shirt and dances dirty. she is 4. its wierd but she doesnt realize it.

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