
Why does news portray GLBT as ugly people?

by Guest44977  |  earlier

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Ever since I was 13 and forced to watch the news at dinner time, there used to be big arguments at one time about GLBT and they would always show only really unattractive people

why did they do this i don't understand, it used to bug me




  1. hmm well i'm not really sure if i agree with you but i do know that the media isn't dependable for everything. there all kinds of GLBT people just like there are all kinds of straight people.  

  2. i don't think the news does that

  3. I've never noticed that.

  4. The news portrays the human RACE as ugly people, not just LGBT

  5. Muh, the news is full of biased c**p and propoganda anyway. They know society is shallow so they use that sort of thing against us, it's nothing very new, they do that with everyone they don't agree with in some form or other, neh?

  6. the news tends to do all kinds of things that seem to portray the GLBT community in a bad light, which makes me sad, but they do that with a ton of things because they thrive off of things like that.

    Maybe sometimes it's just that those are the people who are around to be filmed/interviewed at the time, or maybe it's just a way to be negative. I really don't know.

  7. Never seemed like that to me.

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