
Why does no one believe me??

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Ok. So my parents always say I'm smart but they never seem to believe me. They ask different questions to each other, and when I answer they ignore me. For example: We were going down the motorway and a sign said a lane was ending ahead. They were trying to figure out which one, and my dad said the left. I said the right, because several people were buzzing up through there like always when a lane ends. My mom followed what he said, and my dad was like do whatever but I'm telling you. . . I said nothing, but I was right.

Another time, they wanted to know something about an MRI, and I told them. They didn't even act like they heard what I said until the doctor said the same thing. . . then they were like "oh yeah the doctor told us this". But I told them first. I still said nothing.

But when they want to go to Outback Steakhouse and I look the directions up online, and tell them I know how to go. . . they ask for the adress so they can put it in the navigator. I told them I didn't have it, but knew which way to go. When I got them there, they acted like "Oh my goodness! I can't believe it!"

Seriously. I roll my eyes, I'm 13 years old, I'm not stupid. I've been polite about doubt and things like this all my life. But I'm getting tired of it. Sorry to babble so much, but the ultimate question is: Why does no one believe a thing I say? . . . until I prove it?




  1. Why?

    Because you're 13 and people are too ignorant to listen to younger people.

    Show your folks this letter.

    Tell them you want them to listen to you.

    It's tough, and it hurts - but you're smart, and resourceful for sure - you'll get through it!

    Good Luck!

  2. Even though you are smart, parents often don't take the advice of their children (especially when they are still young like you are).  It's like a mental block for them or something.  Like they think "my baby can't possibly know all of these things!"

  3. your smart, u just need to show more. study a little harder, and out some more effort into daily house chores. u can do it!! (:

  4. they'll be believing you soon.don't feel down.i believe you're smart.they just haven't realize that.time will tell.  

  5. Older people are not used to 13 year olds as smart as you, because when they were 13, they had no idea or the technology of looking up directions and what not. Just a product of being young. You are proving yourself to your parents with all the above mentioned. Just keep doing it and they will turn around and acknowledge your intellect; you just have to patient. You also have to respect their smarts as well though. Running a household and having children is no picnic, but you will soon realize all that your parents do when you start to mature more.

  6. maybe caz ur a kid + u shouldnt be on yahoo answers

  7. Because they are old and fell that you could not possibly know more then them. They will believe you more with time.

  8. i think they dont want to admit that your smarter then them

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