Supposedly somewhere elections are held wherein citizens vote for the congressional and presidential candidates whom they feel will most closely represent their needs and ideals within the government (I say supposedly because I've never actually *seen* these elections take place).
But once these elected individuals take their seats in Congress, it seems that they refuse to represent what the voters really want.
For example, polls taken all over the country have shown that the majority of Americans are opposed to the immense measures taken by the government to tighten our borders, such as TWIC, National ID, Homeland Security's theft of computers at airports and borders, and the invasive screening methods being put in place at airports.
In another example, polls all across the country have shown that for years, the majority of citizens have voted *for* the decriminalization of marijuana, for both the reason that the government shouldn't restrict what a person does at home on their own private time and also to reduce the drain on the economy caused by hundreds of thousands of people sitting in prison for marijuana violations.
There are many other examples; in fact I can't think of any area where Congress actually votes FOR what people say they want. My question is, why not??? Does anybody know? How do these people get in office? Is there anything we can do about it? Why don't they give the citizens the power to vote on bills, instead of the corrupt officials in Congress?