
Why does no one get that we don't vote for our president (U.S.) ?

by Guest67039  |  earlier

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The popular vote means nothing, and yet everyone acts like it's important in some way. The electoral college selects our president, not us. Is it that it gives people a sense of control? Why does no one remember that Bush LOST the popular vote? We didn't vote for Bush, the electoral college selected him. What gives with all the "Your vote matters" BS?




  1. I got it a long time ago. Check my voting record. Nilch. Nada. I do however continuously vote for Jesus. I don't mind if anyone gets involved in the futile process, as long as they leave off persecuting me because i choose to exercise my right to not vote.  Long ago i saw that both sides were created by the same hidden entity, like a lizard with two tails. The lizard always looses one tail or the other but there is not change in the nature of the lizard.

  2. Ah, no sweetheart, the Supreme Court put him in office.

  3. actually, it is the rendering as "meaningless" anything that they do not understand that "gives people a sense of control..."

  4. The electoral vote is usually based on the popular vote for that state.  Therefore, the popular vote does mean something.  The electoral college helps maintain a balance of power among the states.  It keeps the people in the most populated states from dictating policy for the rest of Americans.  Majority may rule, but it's not absolute.

  5. I think that your right. The government wants us to believe we are a part of this so we don't ask any questions. If they do this, they think it will reduce the chances of a revolution. Government vs. The People. We are more important and have more control if we break away and let the government know we know what we know...

  6. Technically, you have to go state-by-state and try to win the STATE POPULAR VOTE.

    It's an archaic system. But if you stay home, then the other guy will more likely win.

  7. The electoral college votes based on the votes of the people.  Bush didn't win the popular vote in the first election, but he did in 2004.  Liberals always complain about elections when they don't work out to their benefit.  Had it been the other way around, I doubt you would be giving the same argument.

  8. You're right. I guess it's because it's all we have.

    Why aren't people protesting in larger numbers?

    People are numb. People have become weak, blind, and stupid.  So much for what our militiary people have died for?

  9. Everyone has a good comment/answer but here the thing....

    MY PERSONAL OPINION is yes I am going to vote because it will matter to ME... NOW, my views on the president... I believe our country is in place where even if we change the person at the top.... MAJORITY of the people in the middle (house,congress and etc) are knuckle heads and they will not make any "changes" =)

    R.P. 08 (had to do it)

  10. Your vote is what determines the vote of the electoral college.  I guess  you're right in the sense that we don't vote in the president, directly...kinda.  But you're vote does matter.  And if you don't think it does...fine.  But it's your right to vote...utilize it.

  11. Well then, enjoy sitting at home the first Tuesday of November.  I will be at the polls making sure satan reincarnate doesn't get elected.

    People only complain when things don't go their way... ahem Al Gore and John Kerry.  They won the wrong part of the vote.

  12. think what you will...your vote counts.

    do you know how the electoral college works?

    Mr. Bush did.  so does Mr. Obama.

    seems al gore and john kerry didn't.  if they did, they'd have won.

    well al gore, anyways.

  13. It is ian indirect vote...per you can clean up in many states, but still not win the elector vote...

    I would actually favor elector vote by congressional district, with the two extra electors being chosen by statewide popular vote.  That would make candidates not hit only those few places they feel they need to hit...votes would count more...

  14. Still angry about the 2000 election? You know, holding on to a resentment for several years can lead to high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attack. Please, get over it.

    2000 wasn't the first election in which the person who won the popular vote and lost in the electoral college. In fact several presidents have won in the electoral college and have not even won a majority of the popular vote. (Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 47% in 1996).

    Please check out the articles below for more information about what the electoral college is and why it was set up. It's not part of some vast right wing conspiracy. We could do worse.

  15. Because your vote elects the electoral college. Your vote does matter.

  16. LOL!  I'm guessing it would offend you to know that Obama LOST the Popular Vote?

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