
Why does no one want England to win the world cup?

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apart from the british lol




  1. I don't mind if England wins the WC, just not in the next 100 years!!!  SA is way better...

  2. Because they are pommies

  3. Because they have learned the ability to bore their opponents and fans into indifference. They have got into the world cup final with only twelve tries being scored. Ive said it before, "If I want to watch accuracy in kicking a ball, I would watch the premiership football". Go springboks!

  4. Because they love their country more lol

  5. hope England win and so do the 40,000 + fans British fans travelling to France, i dont think they are bored. And actually Aussies are the original poms (Prisioners of Mother England).

  6. Cause South Africa is the better team and we already thrashed them in this World Cup. South Africa has worked had and won every match so we deserve this victory.

  7. Jonny didnt play in the 36 - 0 thrashing by SA.  Lets hope they match them in every area.  SA should win and they are a great team so - see you at 8.00pm tonight.

  8. You mean apart from the English, I think. because I doubt that the other Brits (Welsh or Scots) want England to win.

    I definitely want England to win, and I am French. I love the way they came back from nowhere, after three disastrous years to be in the position they're in today. And Wilkinson is a genius. However, I fear this is going to be one match too many for them.

  9. I'm Welsh, my wife is Scottish. We support Wales and Scotland respectively. I, and every other Welshman I know, do not want England to win. Off the pitch it is the english media that's to blame, not the players.

    On the pitch it's the players. Their game is boring and flat. Everything is on Wilkinson, their whole game plan is around JW. I want to see flying rugby flowing across the field. Individual runs from the backs, forwards breaking the gain line etc. Don't want to see a maul creeping along for 40 yds, or 40 phases of pick-up and go down, pick-up and go down. And when that bumboy Wilkinson sticks his ar*e out while he's readying himself, that takes the biscuit for me.

  10. Simply because of what we have heard from the Media and the comments that has been lingering in the air.

    Please; there is no facts to this matter to support it, that I know off and it is in no way I wish to offend any England Supporters.

    But It has been said, that England doesn't care about trying to win anything else but the World Cup Tournament.

    By simply winning one tournament and saying they are number one?

    That is what's said and is one of the reasons why some people don't what England to win.

    They believe if the rest of the World starts doing the same, there may be no good rugby until every four years.

    But best of luck to England anyway.

  11. 1) They won it last year - give someone else a turn!

    2) They don't play exciting rugby (at least not usually), and win by 3 pointers, not tries

    3) Countries who have been beaten by them in the last two world cups hate them.. because they just don't understand how it happened!!

    4) We love to hate England!!  Whats more fun that mocking the old guys and Johnnys kicking stance?  (just a joke - they seem pretty good guys really)

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