
Why does no party truely represent the middle class in this country?

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Lou dobbs is right no party in this country has the interest of the middle class. If most people party affiliated people would open their eyes the could see things other than just red or blue how about red white and blue for a change??




  1. I totally agree with  you.  I myself changed my registration to Independent because of this.  I will also no doubt vote third party depending on McCain's VP choice.  I cannot ever vote for Obama since his agenda is strictly socialism, and that is NOT my America or one I would want for my grand-kids.

  2. Gerrymandering & strong election tactics keep incumbents in office. & they are their to take care of their own. Gonna be tough to get anyone near middle class in a race, let alone elected.

  3. The Democrats did before the Liberals took over the party,Now the Republicans are doing a better job for the middle class despite what you hear or read.Soon the poor are going to realize this,

  4. everybody high up in both major parties is rich and not in the middle class, so they don't really care.  

  5. The U.S. middle class is hardly a homogenous group.  No party could represent the whole "class" (however you'd define it).

    I never even knew that political parties ever have represented the majority of people in a country, in any country.

    I think Ghandi was about as close as you'd get to a true democracizer.  

    Anyway, would you really want a party that represents the average American?:  obese, uneducated, xenophobic, violent, ...

  6. Dobbs is a bit crazy... but I somewhat agree...

    why? because the middle class doesn't care enough to go vote for those who do represent them... to stupid or lazy... one or the other...

  7. Democrats like to give the impression that they care for the lower class. Yet in the past 30 years, has the lower class been better off? Has their quality of life really improved? Its just another lie in order to receive votes.

  8. A good point.

    It used to be that Canada thought of itself as "two solitudes" - French and English.

    Now the US is doing it - two solitudes, each represented by extremists, split down the middle.

    Not a healthy way to run a country.

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