
Why does old=better for president for some people?!!?

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Why does old=better for president for some people?!! ?

Everytime a young prez candidate (young as in 40 to 49) has a chance (Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama, Clinton), the experience issue comes up?

Why is there an age limit to how young you can be to become president (35) but not as to how old?!

Isn't that discrimination?

Why do people equate age with experience and knowledge? I know some dumbass 60 year olds and some smart 35 year olds lol.

It really pisses me off. So you mean to tell me if a perfect candidate for president came along with experience (15 years), was intelligent, and capable.....but was only 35 to 37 years old you wouldn't vote for him? Seems very unfair to me.

Obama is what...47/48 years old. Palin is 44. When did this become too young?! I just feel that if both were ten years old we wouldn't hear 90 percent of the c**p we hear now. It's sad because some of the youngest presidents have been some of the best!!




  1. its called bigotry, no matter how you look at it.

    A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding state of mind. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

    The origin of the word bigot and bigoterie in English dates back to at least 1598, via Middle French, and started with the sense of "religious hypocrite", especially a woman.

    Forms of bigotry may have a related ideology or world views.

  2. People respect obama as he is attended harvard and was president of his review---this is a big difference from a ex-beauty queen with a bachelors in journalism from University of Idaho.  (no offense, idaho, but we americans are proud of our top institutions---its OKAY to be smart!!!)

  3. who wants an old f**t running the country weneed something fresh with the times. not some old school against everything politician

  4. No, performance is the key and McCain is much better qualified, regardless of age.

    Inexperience is Obama's problem, no his age

  5. Age is just one factor.

    Life experiences and character are also factors.

    This is race about character not characters.

    Every day we are a day older.

    Best regards.

  6. People don't like change...especially older people.

    The more things change the more it scares them.

    But we all know the world must change.

    And experience IS knowledge.  Young people think they have all the solutions, but they lack one thing that experience brings you-----WISDOM, but they have one thing that older people don't, and that is ENERGY, MOTIVATION and AMBITION.

    One can be young (and wise) and in fact I had many people express that to me in my younger days...and I in turn, really appreciated the brilliant minds and mentors and the experiences they brought to my life....because it only ADDED to that wisdom.

    See wisdom is the ability to see not just the present, but the future.

    But there are those who may have lived to be old, and experienced LIFE and yet haven't learned ANYTHING from their experiences whatsoever.

    They just want to run the ship in the same fashion they were taught, and it's just more of the same.

    That's okay when something works RIGHT...(if it aint broken dont fix it) but there is a LOT that is wrong with America right now.

    You have to consider ALL THESE THINGS as you decide what experience will best bring you forward into the future and into the direction you want (and need) to go into.

    Frankly, I think the team of Obama and Biden is a great team and the right person is at the top.

    What Obama lacks in experience, his administration of advisors will fill in...and he is a fast learner.  As someone said, Obama is destined for great things.

    I think Obama will not be exclusive to Republicans and others and in fact will listen to all Americans.

    After all no one governs alone. It is a HUGE team effort and those of you who work in government as I have KNOW that.

    No man is an island.

  7. I can say for myself that it has nothing to do with age, it is all experience... Palin has executive experience as governor of a state w/ a 6.6 billion dollar budget. So she does have valuable experience for a vice presidential candidate. I do not feel that Obama having no executive experience and very limited governmental service qualifies him to be leader of this country. I had no problems with Clinton's age although I would not consider him one of the greatest presidents he had a very strong social policy which our country needed at that time.

  8. Good point, I think there should be an age limit. Over 65 = no prez for you.

  9. 'cos I am old. (and yes, I am better.)

  10. Most people understand that wisdom comes with age.  

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