
Why does one member of a volley team have a different coloured shirt?

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Why does one member of a volley team have a different coloured shirt?




  1. That is the Defense Specialist (aka libero). they wear the team's opposite color (i.e. if your team wears their black shirts, they wear their red shirt).

    The libero does not--CAN not--play front row, that is illegal. Their specialty is passing back row. When they sub out/in they don't have to call for a substitution, they can just run in and tell the player to get out.

    When a coach chooses a libero, make sure she/he is an excellent passer, is aggressive, and can tell the passers where to go.

  2. they are the libero. they can go in for any team member in the back row without subbing for the person they are going in for. that way they dont have to waste a sub since they only get 12 per set. oh and its not a volley team. ita a volleyball team.

  3. This person is called a libero which means they are a defense speciallist.  the libero plays backrow only and does not get to serve. libero's dig spikes and usually play in middle back. They wear a different color jersey because they can go in and out without substituting and the different color jersey makes it easier for the referee to tell who the libero on the team is. hope this helped :)))))

  4. they are liberos..they are backrow passers..and they are able to go in for players in the back row as many times as needed without an official subbing in....they do not serve and they cannot hit or block the volleyball

  5. Haha 2 Points For Me!!!

  6. oh lol thats the libero she can go in for anyone in the back row at any time without having to sub out but they cant play front row at all

  7. The different colored jersey is to be able to distinguish the libero from the rest of the players of the team.

    The libero replaces back row players. These replacements aren't substitutions and they are unlimited.

    The libero can replace only backrow players.

    The libero can replace any backrow player on the team as long as the libero has sat out a play between replacements.

    The libero can attack from anywhere on the court only if at the moment of contact the ball or part of the ball is below the height of the net.

    The libero can hand set attackers only from the backcourt (setting from beyond the attack line) (when setting in the front court, for an attack to be illegal the ball must be completely above the height of the net when attacked).

    The libero can't serve in FIVB or USAV (this rule may change soon).

    The libero can serve in NAGWS and most high school organizations.

  8. The odd man/woman out is called a Libero (Lee-barrow or Lie-Beer-o depending on where you are from). This player can only play back row and can not serve by rule (yet).

    The uniform must be of contrasting color due to the rules for the position.

    1. Liberos can sub in and out as many times as needed. The opposing color uniform helps referees and scorekeepers keep track of this player more easily. Even though there is no limit to the times a Libero can sub, the subbing must still be recorded on what is called a Libero Tracker.

    2. Liberos can not hand set a front row hitter. If a Libero sets a ball with their hands to a front row player and that front row player attacks the ball when it is completely above the net, it is deemed a violation. The contrasting uniform also helps in this situation.

    (Liberos can hand set a front row attacker if the, at the time of the set, the Libero is behind the 10 foot line.) There is no violation if the Libero bump sets the attacker.

    3. Liberos can not serve either (yet). If a player with the Libero uniform does serve, it is immediately evident.

    The position itself is relatively new to volleyball and we as coaches and knowledgeable players get this question a lot. I hope I answered it well enough for you.

  9. The person with the different coloured shirt is called a "LIbero."  A Libero is a defence specialist.  He/She may be very short.  This is so the person can dig down low to get the ball.  Liberos are also a very good passer.  The Libero goes in without subbing at the 10 foot line, so they can keep the game rolling.  The Libero may be subbed for anybody, at anytime.  Hope I helped you


  10. That is the libero, they are allowed to go in for anyone in the back row without subbing in.

  11. usually if they have a different color shirt its probably because they are team captain

  12. Libero...defencive speacialists...they can go in and out of the game without subs and stuff

  13. To clarify what Volleyballcoachz said....

    In 1998 the libero player was introduced internationally, the term meaning free in Italian is pronounced LEE-bah-ro (rather than lih-BEAR-oh); the NCAA introduced the libero in 2002.[14] The libero is a player specialized in defensive skills: the libero must wear a contrasting jersey color from his or her teammates and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net height. When the ball is not in play, the libero can replace any back-row player, without prior notice to the officials. This replacement does not count against the substitution limit each team is allowed per set, although the libero may be replaced only by the player whom they replaced. The libero may function as a setter only under certain restrictions. If she/he makes an overhand set, she/he must be standing behind (and not stepping on) the 3-meter line; otherwise, the ball cannot be attacked above the net in front of the 3-meter line. An underhand pass is allowed from any part of the court.

    The libero is, generally, the most skilled defensive player on the team. There is also a libero tracking sheet, where the referees or officiating team must keep track of who the libero subs in and out for. There may only be one libero per set (game), although there may be a different libero in the beginning of any new set (game).

    Furthermore, a libero is not allowed to serve, according to international rules, with the exception of the NCAA women's volleyball games, where a 2004 rule change allows the libero to serve, but only in a specific rotation. That is, the libero can only serve for one person, not for all of the people for whom she goes in. That rule change was also applied to high school play soon after.

  14. This person is called a libero. The defensive specialist. They only play backrow. Preferibly middle and in club they never serve except in high school. These liberos have to be great passers. one tip: Never serve to a libero they will always pass the ball to setter lol

  15. that's the "libero" as they call it. liberos' job is to defend the ball by digging it. it it her task to dig the very low spikes/balls given by the opponent. the libero will always stay in the second line; she will be substituted if she will be in the front line.

  16. They are the defense specialist.  I'm not quite sure what that means, I think they must stay in the backcourt at all times.  The article explains it better.

  17. he different colored jersey is to be able to distinguish the libero from the rest of the players of the team.

    The libero replaces back row players. The replacements aren't substitutions and they are unlimited.

    The libero can replace only backrow players. I have been one before its not that fun.

  18. That is the libero, their job is only to play defense on back row, in high school they are allowed to serve but in club they are not, but they do not play front row, usually people in this postion are really good at hitting the floor and getting a good pass up on the ball.

  19. because that person is the labarro, that person can go in for anyone in the back row and can not cross  into the front row!

    they do not serve at all.

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