
Why does one more foot of pool table costs an extra $400?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking to buy a pool table and I can't figure out why I can find 7 foot for as low as $300 but low priced 8 foots cost $700. 9 foot are $1,000. I would like a regulation 9 foot table but I don't think it's worth an extra $700.




  1. Why does a foot longer car cost $12,000 more??

    It's the entire design not just an extra foot of table

    Now what kind of quality are you expecting  from a $1,000 9 ft table??

    Where are you shopping Wal-Mart ?

  2. If you don't want to pay for a 9' table, don't buy it. With the prices you're talking about, the tables you are looking at are junk anyway, so it won't matter much if you're playing on a 9' piece of c**p table or a 7' piece of c**p table.

  3. Well one more foot doesn't sound like much, but calculated area wise a 9' is approximately 20 percent more area than an 8ft, which doesn't make the 300 dollar difference but the extra time, material, larger piece(s) of slate, as well as the number of 8 ft tables availiable would account for the price increase. I would recommend buying an older refurbished table, our family bought one from a guy that just worked on them in his is a nice table, 9 foot, I think it only cost around 700-800 bucks, but this was back in the nineties. Definately beats paying for a brand new one....a used table will play just as well as a new one, assuming the bumpers are new and the slate isn't damaged, and you get some nice felt.

  4. Another reason is that there isn't much of a demand for a 7' table. Most serious players want a 9' table but settle for an 8'er because of space constraints or money. It's a supply and demand issue. Spend the extra money. It will be worth it in the long run in terms of how it affects your ability to play.

  5. Not to answer a question with a question, the simple answer is more material in a bigger table( more wood, slate, another yard of cloth) means more cost to a table.

    Now that thats out of the way, what brand table are you looking at that only costs $300.  Is that new?  Slate?  Including set up?  That is so low a price, it has to be a toy for kids.   Tables that cheep have a pressboard playfield that warps over time.  They do come fully assembled and have folding legs like a card table.  They only weigh 20 or 30 pounds.  This type of table is very hard to keep level.   Definitely not for serious players.  

    Make sure you know what you are buying.

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