
Why does our baby corn snake never come out?

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My husband and I just bought a baby corn snake three days ago. My husband has owned snakes before (ball pythons) but this is my first. Since we brought him home he has been burrowed in his hide and hasn't come out. The temperature and humidity levels are fine. We have a heat pad under one side of the 10 gallon tank and it seems to be warming fine (in other words its not TO hot). We have not fed him yet because he had been fed the day before we bought him. Should we be worried about him not coming out or is this normal?




  1. I know mine say in their hides until night. Corn snakes are nocturnal, and I think they are people selective. I know one of mine likes me a lot better than the other, and I spend a lot of time with both of them. You need to get him out and handle him. If you do this, he will come out of his hide (or at least stick his head out) and come right up to the glass to see what's going on. My corn snakes love to be held. And they are very active at night. If you need a care sheet, here is one - - I hope this helps.  

  2. That is perfectly normal. It's nothing to worry about. But you shouldn't be handling him for a week because it could stress him out, and as rare as it is, it might make him stop eating for a short while. So please don't hold him for a week. Also he is just getting use to the big enviroment change so he is going to be like that for a bit, after a week or so then you will see him out and moving much much more. =]

    So it's nothing to really worry about, he is just getting use to the new enviroment. All snakes hides for a while before coming out to see the new world =]

    But good luck on your new snake! Congrats for the both of you =] The corn snake is very lucky to have an owner who did very well on the enclosure!

  3. The change of environment is stressful to a young snake, expect him to hide for a good while. So it's completely normal.

  4. this is completeley normal he/she will come out in there own time. the change of environment wiil play a part in this. all snakes will take shelter when introduced into a new environment. could be a week or more until it decides to come out. try handing him. i have a royal python had it nearly 2 months and have moved it from the plastic tub into the vivarium. in the plastic tub he was hiding at first. then was out none stop day and night. now hes been moved into this 'new' environment he also is in his hides alot of the time. they are nocturnal so if you are up till the early hours check to see if its still in hiding. if he is then in time curiousity will get the better of it and it will come out. hope this helps

  5. usually corn snakes hide during the day and come out at night, because they are nocturnal, they usually hide under water bowls foliage etc.

    you can go to to find out more about corn snakes and there habits..... hope i was helpful

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