
Why does our website apear differently and wrong through firefox but perfect through all other tested browsers

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website is

the banner that appears on the right is suppose to appear down the bottom any ideas on how to correct the problem ???




  1. see it depends what kind of language browser supports and accordingly the site is to be designed. for example internet explorer a web browser supports only html coding so sites designed in java may shows different fonts in other web browser assume that as mossila it supports java so website designed in java will be perfectly displayed here. so this browser interprets the code appropriately.

    so many of the things may be displayed differently in two different browser for a same website

  2. All web browsers interpret the HTML language, javascript, php, etc. (all the languages),  however, each browser will render it differently. Why? Well, this has been a constant bone-of-contention with most web designers. It's all about how each browser 'sees' the code you've written within your web pages and then how it interprets it (parsing). Designing a web site to look the same in all the browsers can be done with the proper code and the utilization of CSS (the Cascading Style Sheet).

    I looked at your web site. There are a number of glaring items that instantly caught my attention. You say it was "perfect through all other tested browsers"..well, then you only got lucky!!

    Without going into more detail though, try a few things first for the home page:

    1. You have no DOCTYPE. This is the very first statement at the top of your page(s). You must have a DOCTYPE in order for your pages to be parsed properly. Here's a good place to begin reading why it's important to have a DOCTYPE and suggests which one's to use: and here's a place where you can read more on Doctypes:

    For your particular page, I would recommend using the XHTML 1.0 Transitional - it will still be coded with XHTML, but not as strict.

    2. XHTML is pretty much HTML but with some other rules included, such as NO CAPS being used. Everything is coded in lower case. Your page is loaded with CAPS. That's just one example. To learn more about it, go here: for a tutorial on XHTML. Basically, check out the links on the left side.

    3. You have <body> twice and one of them contains all caps. Get rid of it and put the formatting within your CSS.

    4. You have FONT SIZES (in caps), and you could put all this formatting within your CSS and thus eliminate all this excess coding.

    5. In your table, you have <href="">, and it should be <a href="">

    6. Get rid of all the tables -  you don't need them. Use <div>'s instead.

    6. These are just a few of the many errors I've found. Go in and change your XHTML coding, and when finished you can validate it through the W3C using their validation service. You can validate the page even when it's on your own computer. Go here to validate the coding:

    Not only will it provide you with your errors, but you will be able to find exactly where the error is and fix it, and then keep validating it until it tells you it's correct.

    This should get you on the right track, at least.

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