
Why does peta kill most of the animals it saves?

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Why does peta kill most of the animals it saves?




  1. where is your proof of that slanderous statement....

  2. PETA makes no secret of having to euthanize most of the animals we take in. Although we do not run an adoption facility (we refer most adoptable animals to well-known shelters with a high rate of public traffic), we have managed to place animals in excellent, lifelong homes. For many of the animals we do accept-such as those who are injured, elderly, aggressive, or otherwise unadoptable-we are a "shelter of last resort," offering a humane death to those who would otherwise suffer a slow and painful end.

    Unlike "no-kill" shelters, PETA does not refuse animals simply because euthanasia is the only humane option for them. Many of the animals we take in are brought to us because they have been rejected by other facilities. PETA receives calls every week from people who request that we euthanize their animals because they cannot afford to have them euthanized by a vet or because the animals would suffer excessive stress and pain if transported. PETA will not turn its back on these animals simply because they might make our "numbers" look bad.

    The best way to save the lives of homeless animals is through spaying and neutering. PETA's mobile spay-and-neuter clinic focuses much of its work in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where we offer free and low-cost surgeries. To date, our clinic has sterilized tens of thousands of animals. With $45, a person could either care for a dog in a "no-kill" shelter for about three days or sterilize one animal, preventing the births of at least eight animals from that animal and her offspring in just one year as well as preventing the births of as many as 67,000 dogs in six years and 420,000 cats in seven years.

    The scope of the companion animal overpopulation crisis is truly staggering: Every year, 3 to 4 million of the 6 to 8 million unwanted animals abandoned at animal shelters in the U.S. must be put to death because there are no suitable homes for them. People who are outraged by this deadly epidemic -- and we all should be -- can easily help by spaying or neutering their animal companions.

    Please visit for more information.

  3. i thought they found homes for them.

  4. idk do they?

  5. PETA and the HSUS are not what they claim to be. They believe in total animal liberation which means that they think that there should be no circuses, zoos (even AZA), laboratories (even medical), farms, service dogs, police dogs, and PETS of any kind. They believe that animals are better off DEAD then living with even the best pet owner.

    The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) collected millions of dollars from individuals to save the animals during Katrina. They did not use the money to do that though. They are currently under investigation for it. What most people do not realize about HSUS is that they are not your local animal shelter. None of the money that they raise goes to the local animal shelter. It has also been provened that PETA uses its money to kill animals and support terrorist groups like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) who has a tendency to blow up buildings to get their point across.

  6. Because they're hypocrites.

  7. Peta tries it's best to place animals in homes if possible. Many of the animals that PETA saves are badly abused, burned or tortured. Some need to be "humanely Uthanized" because they are in such better condition. utinization is sometimes better than a life of suffering

  8. lets hope they don't butiam sure some can't be saved


    lot's more if you google <peta kills animals>

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