
Why does political correctness cause the most injustice and discrimination?

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Why does political correctness cause the most injustice and discrimination?




  1. Not a loaded question then?

    Makes me wonder how we had so many wars, injustices and discrimination before political correctness arrived on the scene.

  2. PC is a bunch of bullsheit!!!!!!!!!!!  Just say what you want and think what you want and use common sense.

  3. Simple answers are always resulting in evil and death.

  4. Because by definition it is coercive and authoritarian however much it is wrapped up in cosy wording about fairness etc. etc.Modern Western PC owes a lot to Chairman Mao who believed for instance that "Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul." and that it was neccessary to re-educate the masses in the correct thinking Guess what the definition of correct was ?

  5. Govt overreacting to small concerns in society.

  6. Let's look around the world at the greatest injustices.

    Starvation in Africa? Caused by PC?

    Human rights in Africa, Asia and South America? Caused by PC?

    Lack of access to simple medical care throughout the world? Caused by PC?

    What about discrimination .. were apartheid, Nazism all caused by PC? By your definition the racist parties such as the BNP and the NF, should be the most politically correct.

    Political correctness is a convenient term for someone to use when they feel that they can't express views that might be distasteful, and certain groups have used it to their advantage, but to say it causes the most injustice and discrimination is complete rubbish.

  7. Just my opinion: The term "PC" often gets a bad rep, sometimes for good reason, because many of its advocates and subjects are laced with inconsistencies and hypocrisy.

    That said, I find there is some value in using what society considers politically correct vernacular.  PC talk is meant to protect people from hurt feelings or suffering from discrimination as the result of the perpetuation and negative manifestation of politically incorrect vernacular.

    The prognosis, in my opinion, is that we throw away the term "PC" and simply try our best as individuals to use language that will not offend.  Of course, it would be highly difficult to never offend anyone with our every, day speak; nonetheless, it is certainly an endeavor we should strive to achieve.

  8. Because it is impossible to satisfy every one.The problem is that the minorities are getting more say than the silent majority.

  9. when the rules were understandable the majority obeyed them and those that didn't were severely punished,

    I don't recall political correctness or human rights or the g*y liberation of cross dressers stepping forward during the the great war years? before human rights stepped in it was an eye for an eye and everybody new where the stood, this country was not over run with multi anything, people were in the main happy with their lot, now we have a bit of everything and a lot of nothing,have a look around there are more unhappy than happy faces, greed rules our life and i fear it will get worse, even the rich are moaning and moving to their second homes aboard, but us peasant's just have to grin and bear it, if only we could turn back the clock,

  10. Yes. sadly it has got confused with tactfulness and is the reason why BNP has had some success. No one can ask a question which appears to criticise the ethnic minorities without in some way being censured by the Guardian reading politically correct mob. That particular rag produces articles of such convoluted thinking that it makes the Sun look intellectual

  11. The majority of PC is so stupid! Its got way out of hand and a lot of people are scared to say things cos someone is bound to start spouting about it not being PC. And I'm talking everyday normal things, not horrible things that needed to be changed. I also think that we are getting fed up of it all and thats why it seems  unfair and to discriminate, cos we've had all kinds of ridiculise things that we can and can't do rammed down our throats for the last 20 yrs and now we've turned into a right wimpish nation that scared to say it like it is!

  12. Because it attempts to silence the indiginous population of the UK, make us accept situations that we dont want to, makes us afraid to speak up. Has totally shredded a lot of the best humour in the world for the fear of "offending" foreigners, immigrants, religion, the list goes on. The British are the most descriminated against race in Britain by fools who think that they know whats best for all of us when in fact they are creating hatred and intolerance where it never was before. It allows outsiders to come here to use and abuse our laws then turn them against us. It has killed any freedom of speach that we may have had and makes us look like idiots in our own land.

  13. Yes, as others have said - its cos you CAN'T possibly be all things to all men, women and transexuals.

  14. Because you degrade people and insult their intelligence by using "Kindergarten Speech" and you take away their ability to cope with realty by making something as stupid as "Black Person" vs "African American" more important then the quality of the character of the person we are speaking about.

    It causes lawsuits that waste time and take away our right to say whatever the h**l we want, whenever the h**l we want to say it under the guise of "Helping" people.

    The woman that just recently sued a major US City because their construction signs said "Caution: Men at work" and even though she is not a construction worker, she said she found the discrimination against women more then she could take...

    What does it matter if it says "Men at work" or "Humans At work" or "Union Workers Sitting Around Staring At a Hole In the Ground"?

    She is so sensitive to NON-ISSUES because of our stupid PC Culture that she feels justified in taking up the courts time in pursuing a lawsuit based on what is on the sign next to construction workers...

    NO WHERE in the constitution does it say that you have the right to never have your inner-child cry...

    Everyone is offended by SOMETHING and deluding us into believing that speaking like a 1st grader will magically solve all of our gender, race, sexuality, and age based discrimination just puts a thin candy-shell over the issue and doesn't resolve anything...

    We ALL need to learn that the 1st amendment exists to protect speech we DO NOT AGREE WITH because ANYONE that takes away a word to make some r****d feel better about themselves opens the door to removing ANYTHING that ANYONE feels is "Discriminatory".

    This is the ONE Issue I feel the Slippery-Slope idea is true...

    Take away one word and you can take away the ability to say ANYTHING in the future... If you have the money for a lawsuit.

    Grow up and start to act like an adult...

    Learn to cope!

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