Ohio currently has a bill pending that is being reviewed by committee which could potentially restore the rights to Ohio Adult Adoptees.
It was reviewed yesterday and the committee is very hung up on mothers / fathers right to privacy and apparently asked a lot of questions about it according to a review from The Bastardette, an ohio adoptee herself. : http://bastardette.blogspot.com/2008/04/betsie-norris-from-adoption-network.html
Now I personally don't support the bill as a whole, but I most definitely support the unconditional open records part of the bill and thats what I would like to discuss now.
If there is no law of privacy to first parents who have surrendered a child to adoption, then why would they care about if it was or wasn't promised?
Shouldn't the committee be sticking to whats written in law and on legal papers instead of looking for testimonies based on rumors only? Why would they "defend" or "take side" with an illegal promise of privacy? Help me get it?