
Why does proactiv give me more pimples??

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i dont have alot of acne but proactiv gave be even more pimples? why am i getting more pimples? is it working?




  1. I've tried Neutrogena for months... skin got better.

    I've tried Melaleuca's Zap-It Skin Care system... THIS WORKED THE BEST, AND FASTEST!

    I've been using Proactiv for the past 5-6 months... my skin keeps breaking out in the worst way -- with small pimples all over... I've never even had this type of problem before. 

    I will be canceling my prescription to Proactiv, and officially becoming a member.  In the meantime, it's back to Neutrogena for me!

  2. I have the same issue.  I've been using for about a month and I'm ready to give up.  I never had pimples as a teenager and now I'm in my thirties and I'm finally getting them :(  I don't have a ton, but I just want beautiful skin!

  3. your prob. allergic to something in proactiv

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