
Why does psychiatry just don't go along with paranormal?

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I believe that there are other things that co-exist with us that

could somewhat cause some things, and sometimes it cant

be explained physically as most are into the naked eye concept,

as in psychiatry, you will be diagnosed as having schizophrenia,

having loads of hallucinations, and the tendency is that the person

experiencing things is forced to take medications that could be

even more bad for the health and causes side effects...

so in the world of psychiatry or psychology, if ever you're having

the 6th sense or maybe the 3rd eye, it means you're having

hallucinations or schizophrenia.

so why does psychiatry just don't go along with paranormal,

when in fact both have scientific explanations anyway?




  1. Psychiatry is a 'hard', or mostly so, science. Although hard science techniques are needed for all studies, the elusive and ephemeral nature of paranormal studies makes it seem as transitory as the phenomena. We are trying to catch smoke--we know the smoke exists, but how to 'bag' it? The lack of repeatable phenomena makes for a frustrating search. Once you've seen a ghost or UFO, you KNOW something's going on; what is it all about? Denial isn't an answer.

  2. Paranormal does NOT have explanations, there is no such things as real paranormal events.

    A 6th sense does not exist, and thinking one has a 3rd eye is indeed delusional.

    Psychiatry is a branch of medicine, it deal with imbalances in the brain, which is a formidably complex organ. Trying to change the balance of someone's brain that is off for some reason though drugs is bound to have side effect, it is like trying to tune a car by only tweaking the oil level.

  3. Coz Paranormal is a higher-power. And psychiatry is with your head/minds/thoughts/memories.. and stuff

  4. Basically, psychiatrists read from scripts, if you have similar symptoms to those on their tick sheet then they think that you must have that condition. And they generally don't stray from that.

    Psychiatry tends to fall into two camps.

    The first camp is the touchy feely camp who put everything down to childhood trauma or low self esteem. They don't believe in anything that can't be measures in hurt feelings or unpleasant but conventional experiences. You see a ghost, they say that it's because you're mother didn't hug you enough as a child and they put you on Lithium. You get abducted by aliens and they say that you have low self esteem and are trying to rationalize your feelings of social isolation by imagining that little green men are poking things up your behind, and they prescribe Valium.

    The second camp are the die hard skeptics who put everything down to you suffering from a medical condition or being an attention seeker. They either prescribe double the does of whatever it is that the first camp would have given you. You tell them that you, or they try to have you locked up.

  5. Because you know psychiatrist are using reasonable explanations that depends on  science which science can't explain paranormal events.

  6. 6th senses, 3rd eye, and demons are not scientific explanations because they have never been shown to exist.  However, chemical imbalances HAVE been shown to exist and, when corrected for, help someone with their psychological problems.  So you're welcome to believe whatever you want, but until someone manages to show that the paranormal actually exists, science isn't interested.

  7. The reason that most mainstream psych therapy is against these sort of phenomena is easy; the whole world has been fooled into believing a fallacy, and those of you who are religious will recognise this as the great tribulation, a time where man is mislead in great numbers to keep him from his true spiritual path. There's alot of money in the drug industry, and like it or not, some people will do anything for money. God bless, Peace and Love!

  8. depends on the therapist.  some are more open than others.

    check out a book called "The Road Less Traveled"...its a very good self-help book with a whole final section on serendipity you may find interesting.

  9. I would love to hear about those scientific paranormal explanations.Here's some information about how mental illness was treated back in the good old days.When it was treated as paranormal.To answer you question.One is science the other is not.

  10. Because they can make a lot more $$$ if they say it's schizophrenia etc. Also..the pharmacists and pill manufacturers can make a lot of $$$. I doubt that insurance would pay for anyone diagnosed as having paranormal experiences. This way..they can put you away and drug you on horrible things that will MAKE you look crazy..then they can say.."See..I told you they were crazy!" So just don't go around telling your paranormal experiences to just anyone. Thankfully have this section you can go to (as long as no one can get into your computer).

    Edit..eri..That answer didn't make sense to me. I thought that the purpose of Science was to check out things in order to prove or disprove them. If it's already proven..then what's the use of science being involved?When you go to a don't usually say "I already know my diagnosis." (although I realize this often can tell by the symptoms sometimes)Usually you just want the dr. to confirm what you think from the symptoms. But first..the dr. has to look at the symptoms too. If scientists won't even look at the paranormal "symptoms" can they draw any conclusions either way?

    Edit..Just wondering if Nice Guy thinks we're all mentally ill.

  11. Although I do acknowledge that Doctors will not even consider the possibility of paranormal experiences, I know from experience with friends and associates, that  many, many people who really need to follow their  Doctors advice  prefer to believe they are having paranormal experiences.

    This happens in religion also. I know this one man who admits he is very seriously Schizophrenic, but refuses to take his medication because in his words schizophrenia is paranormal and he wants to relish in his paranormal  paranormal experiences while scaring and worrying everyone around him. He is also dangerous off his medication. He stays locked up in hospitals most of the time because every time he gets out he quits taking his medication and acts so strangely and violently that he must be locked up again. If he would just stop thinking he has paranormal experiences and  take his medication he could live a normal life and not be hospitalized so much.

    I have seen this in religion also many, many sick people who really need on medication want to believe theirr voices is the voice of God and that they are indirect contact with God or thei manic episodes and extreme high is from God so they refuse to get help.

    I am religious myself, I am a believer in the paranormal but we cannot through common sense out the window.

    Just my 2 cents.



  12. The primary difference between psychiatry and mysticism is psychiatrists actually research the problem to find a cause and base their treatment on addressing that cause.  With mysticism the research seems to begin and end with some fuzzy, feel-good explanation that neither addresses the cause nor the symptoms of the problem.  This isn't a big deal for minor issues that cause no harm to the sufferer or the people around him, but it can be a very big deal when you have potentially psychotic people interacting with the public (i.e. the Virginia Tech kid).

    Neither science nor medicine are perfect, but the vast majority of the time they are better than nothing.  Mysticism on the other hand, as with any belief system that exists entirely between the ears, is only as effective as the placebo effect.  That is, only to the degree the mind can impact the perceived symptoms.

    It appears you and some other paranoid anti-medicine people are taking for granted the improvements brought by evidence-based medicine while exaggerating the flaws.

  13. There is no $$$ in the paranormal compared to the medical field. Follow the money that is what they are doing, that is what they are taught in the schools. Secular institutions are like that. You can't have a spiritual reason for anything.

    You are so right. Many children are drugged on powerful prescriptions then when they kill someone they are tried as an adult.

    We used to have institutions to deal with the insane that left everyone else alone. But now days if you look at someone they want to put you on drugs.

    Twelve years ago Hillary Clinton had a national ad campaign to get people on anti-depressants. Why? Chemtrails hadn't been perfected yet.

  14. You seem to be ignoring the fact that some people have mental illness which prevents them functioning normally at all and makes them a danger to themselves and the rest of the community. The rest of the population shouldn't have to put up with deranged people making threats against them because a schizophrenic person's paranoia makes them believe that his neighbours are spys from another planet - or whatever other craziness they happen to conceive.

    I'm sure psychiatrists and drug companies do like to make money, but they make that money by proving a needed service. Do you also feel angry that the man that drives the rubbish truck only does it to make money?

  15. Why should it?

  16. Neither are exact sciences, and I don't believe they are not used together.  It just depends on who you are talking to.

  17. Your best bet would be to see an hypnotist. It'll cost, bring someone along that so you're not cheated!

    Parenormal does exist without paranoia/schizophrenia...The third eye is there for everybody whether most don't know it. Not one doctor/psychiatrist or other will ever agree with you. It don't pay to tell you, therefore they say you're sick!

    Don't let them tell you otherwise, keep believing in you.

    Just don't tell them anymore, for not given pills.

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