
Why does puerto rico want to be a common weath instead of a state?

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Why does puerto rico want to be a common weath instead of a state?




  1. Is not like we want to be a Common Wealth we didn't have a choice. Now we do have a choice about becoming a State and why should we. We deserve to be a country and  to have our culture.

    And I do believe what other post said we are afraid of independence bc we don't know how USA is going to react. We don't want to be in a position like Cuba or others countries in South America.

    So we stay in Common Wealth we are not independent but at least we get to keep our culture, language and some kind of freedom.

  2. Some people want to be a commonwealth. Some want to be a state & some want to be independent.  It is usually so split that there is no 1 choice thats much higher so it always stays as a commonwealth.

    I like the US & what is has done for PR, but I hope that it never becomes a state. A commonwealth is fine with me or independent one day. There are nothing wrong with the states I just feel like PR shouldn't be one becuase we have our own culture & we deserve to be a country. I have lived in PR & in the states so I see the difference. The people that do want statehood want it because their are more financial benefits. But every financial benefit you will receive you will pay in taxes, so I just feel like we can do that on our own. Also Hawaii, I believe, has lost most of there culture & land to the Americans. Only 20% of the people living in Hawaii are Hawaiian. The other 80% are mostly rich Americans. Those americans are able to pay much more for housing than most Hawaiians so many end up on the street.  50% of the homeless in Hawaii are Hawaiins even though they only make up a small poulation in total. If PR becomes a state it will one day end up like that.  This is just my personal opinion, everyonein PR has a different opinion.

    Darth Eugene Vader gave a great un-biased answer.

  3. It will turn into a tourist zone, just like hawaii. And people there are pretty much traditional, or at least the older people are.

  4. I agree with william and maS

  5. I dont want to say becaue I'll get reported so many times my account will get suspended, but I agree with every here so far though.

  6. Because Puertorricans are swayed too easily by silly arguments such as:  If Puerto Rico becomes a state it will lose its language.  I live in Southern New Mexico and I can speak Spanish all the time.  I have friends that do not speak a word of English and can live without any difficulty.  Another argument is about federal taxes.  Fact, under statehood most Puertorricans would not have to pay any federal taxes, they will receive refunds.  As a matter of fact, taxes in Puerto Rico are higher relative to taxes on the mainland.  Puerto Rico would not have an Olympic team, or could not participate in the Miss Universe Peagant, to which I say, so what!  Does winning a gold, silver or bronze medal makes me better?  I think not!  Now that the governor is in trouble with the federal government due to his shady dealings during his campaign in 2000 and 2004 he wants a new formulation of the ELA in which basically Puerto Rico is an independent country.  He is doing this as a way of confusing the issue.  He knows that he is going to lose the next election and after that he is going to jail.  Therefore, he is trying to play the nationalistic card to see if by some miracle he wins and can proclaim independence (a medias), since he still wants the money.

    To give you a short answer of a complex question:  Puertorricans are afraid because they do not seek knowledge about each option of status, they leave the thinking to others that do not have their best interests at heart.

  7. because they dont like change. the same old will do for them.

  8. Some causes, not necessarily in order of importance.

    1. Ignorance / fear on benefits and costs of statehood.

    2. Fear of become poorer than most Central & South America countries if opting for independence.

    3. 42% to 45% are more or less satisfied with current commonwealth status.  Some of them want to negotiate more benefits or rights for PR but maintaining the association with the USA.

    4. Only 42% to 45% do want to become a state.  Sure we will have to pay federal taxes but we will have the same number of Senators at the Congress, and due to population numbers and density, we will have more Representatives to the House than half of the states, instead of just a Resident Commisioner with limited voting rights. Also vote for the President as other states do.  If we are to participate in USA wars (and have done in every conflict since WWI), why not be able to vote for the Commander in Chief and have some polithical power in the Congress.

    5. Some do not want to lose out Olimpic Games status,  and participation on other contests like Miss Universe, Miss World, etc.

    6. Cultural ties, fear of losing our culture if becoming a state of USA.

  9. the last elections/opinion polls broke it down something like 45% statehood, 45% commonwealth, 5% independent.....

    so it's a evenly split question.......

    certainly maintaining cultural identity is part of it......

    another VERY big part is the US Federal Income Tax. In PR    ( as well as over here in the Virgin Islands) you pay the same 1040 federal tax you pay in the US , but you pay it to the local government, NOT Washington. So there is no need for a local ( state) income tax to fund local programs.

  10. It is a pretty name for the actual colonial status.

    My 2 cents.

  11. because they've been indoctrinated since childhood that commonwealth is 'the best of both worlds" and that it would be anti puertorican to become as state.

  12. In 1967, 1981, 1993, and 1998 the citizens of the island voted whether Puerto Rico should remain a commonwealth , become a state, or become and independent country.

    None of these referendums were binding and were for opinion purposes. In all four votes, Puerto Ricans voted to maintain the status quo.

  13. Not everyone wants to be a commonwealth but...In a nutshell because of politics and ignorance(people fear loosing their culture, raise in taxes, etc).  Politics play a huge part in the decision making and most people vote for a political party instead of a candidate.

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