
Why does "the news" hide the truth in Iraq?

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How come on the news in the U.S. such as ABC they never care to explain the thousands of crimes the U.S. army is doing over there right now? Why are they hiding it ? I've read up on the U.S. how they rape Iraqi women and throw an Iraqi puppy over a cliff

and even kill innocent civilians they thought are "al queida" or anything !! How can they do this? I love the Iraqi people what have they done to deserve it all!!!!!!!




  1. mr blobby is right. the powerful control the media, everything and you. the us goverment employed n**i scientists after the war to continue developing mind-control (it was started to control the populations of the countries invaded). everything you know about the iraq war is what they want you to know. depressing, but true.

  2. The US, despite the rhetoric about democracy, is actually a plutocracy based upon a system of institutionalised corruption.  The Politicians don't actually run the place - they are fronts for the corporates who actually do the deciding on the core matters.

    Mass media outlets have swallowed up the small local outlets and you don't own a Hollywood production company or a television, radio or press network without having a few coins to rub together.  It is the plutes who own them and the arms and companies and Halliburton and Blackwater ......

    The US do prosecute a few low level scapegoats occasionally but never those really responsible.  It is no coincidence that the US and Israel do not accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court.  Besides, its not really news, the US has been one of the worst international criminal nations for a long long time now.  Only the venues vary.

  3. Because the mainstream media has become little more than the propaganda service of those who profit from war.

  4. because it's the american thing to do.

  5. I look at different 'papers on budget day, and they all report different 'news' - either the govt. have been great or rubbish.

    So add in the fact that the govt. can stop all information to news agencies,claiming millitary necessity (a 'd' notice I think its called) and the fact news agencies have to sell their services and advertising to people who may be patriotic, and it's hardly surprising.

    As for the soldiers themselves, they're trained and conditioned to fight and kill and whether or not these stories are true, they are believable

  6. the news will only tell the stories that sell, the stories you speak of would sell. so , i know they are not true.

    everything you mentioned is a crime, the US government will, and has, prosecuted soldiers for crimes like this all over the world, whether we are at war or not.

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