
Why does remote viewing work better with certain types of music?

by  |  earlier

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I find using different types of music and songs help increase the ability of remote veiwing . In some cases telepathy and clairvoyance.Even the people i am watching using remote viewing can here my music too.It really freaks them out.There is some kind of connection there.




  1. That's amazing. I suppose it might.

    You know, you can make a quick million if this is true. Do a test with your friends. Pick 5 different songs to listen to while remote viewing. Have your friend you are remote viewing to choose which song it is from the list (make sure your friend is nowhere near you, e.g., in a different house). Do a few trials and look at the results. For example, if you do three trials, the chances are 1 in 125 that your friend can pick all three correctly by chance alone. If you do five trials, one correct guess out of five would be the mean number you'd expect by chance.

    If your results are significantly above chance, you will be the very first in humanity to be able to demonstrate this power. Contact JREF immediately. Good luck!

  2. I imagine it has something to do with the suggestible mood it sets.  Having pleasant or agreeable music that doesn't distract you allows your imagination to do what you ask of it.

  3. I think certain types of music stimulate your imagination.Making claims like these amount to boasting.No offense but without some backup.They're as real as teeth on a chicken.It would be a simple thing to supply some proof.Just remote view something secret and tell us.Maybe the winner of an award or contest.Believe it or not I am rooting for you.

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