
Why does restricting privileges in young children work?

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I observed a kindergarten class and whenever the class or a child did something really naughty, the teacher would take away their art time or 10 minutes off of their free time. But then the kids would behave. Why does it work so effecitively?




  1. The same reason taking away your privelages works on adults. No one likes to lose any of their freedom.

  2. Because kids respect boundaries. They also respect, "If I do this, then I won't be able to do that."  They value their privileges enough that they don't want to jeopardise them by doing something that could cause those privileges to be taken away.

  3. All kids want to please adults, and when you take something away from them your telling them you are unhappy with what they are doing. You could tell them if you don't stop talking I'm going to take away math and you would get the same reaction. They look at there teacher as someone they need to please just like a parent and will do anything to make that person happy. If only that stayed true. I would say around the middle of 2nd grade (7-8 years old) they care more about inpressing there friends and fitting in then pleaseing an adult and that is why this doesn't work as well with older children.

  4. Because they are learning that everything they do has a consequence whether is bad or good,  it is the same when you prey the good behavior or the good grades. That's why it is very effective if as a parent you not only punish the bad behavior but reward the good one. They start learning at a very early age.

  5. If you take away something that  they really want to do, and they know that if they keep acting up they will get more taken away, they are good so they can do the fun thing.

  6. Children learn by cause and reaction, 'If I behave this way, this is the consequence'. Children figure out pretty quickly that if they don't want that particular consequence, they had better not exhibit that behaviour!

  7. If you did something bad and you got something taken away from you... maybe money?

    you would improve your behaivor, right?

  8. Because everyone, (not just children) wants rewards, it's not hard to understand.

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