
Why does satellite radio(Sirius) have so many commercials?

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I borrowed my brother-in-laws because he's out of town for awhile and I thought satelite radio was all about being commercial free, why exactly does someone have to pay to hear commercials. I know there are maybe a tad bit less, but come on. I do like that it's not censored and you can hear the artists real songs though. I don't think I would pay for it though.




  1. XM and Sirius both advertise "commercial free radio"  But this only applies to a handful of stations.  Even though they are banking on the monthly service charges, they still make money on advertisements.  I am sure it is pretty expesive to operate and maintain a satellite in orbit.

  2. I am so glad you and the other other poster mentioned that you get commercials with your satellite radio service.

    I was thinking about getting one but not now!

  3. besides howard channels, i dont have commercials on sirius.

  4. I totally know where you're coming from. I have XM and it says that it's completely commercial free and I hear commercials on back-to-back channels. It's so annoying! I didn't pay for commercials. XM will tell you all of the channels that are uncensored, though, which I guess is a plus, but I'm totally unsatisfied with satellite radio, and I'm not subscribing any longer. It's completely ridiculous. And I hear the same songs on back-to-back channels. Satellite radio definitely isn't worth the cost in my opinion. I don't enjoy it at all.

  5. You're listening to the wrong stations.

  6. Most of the in-house Sirius (and XM for that matter) music channels are commercial free. I don't know what you're listening to, but the only commercials on satellite that I hear (and I have them both) are on talk stations or shows that are coming in from another source (like Oprah, Howard, Opie & Anthony or another network with a syndication deal).

    - a guy named duh

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