
Why does sciennce tend to be a self correcting way of knowing things?

by Guest61409  |  earlier

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just wondering your opinion.




  1. What scientists do is study things, gather evidence, and draw conclusions based on that. When a new theory is made scientists try every way they can to disprove it. If the theory can't be disproved, and is proven in many different ways, it is generally accepted. Personally, I think this is why it's superior to religion. Because religion comes up with a conclusion first and then scrambles to find whatever evidence they can to support it.

  2. It's a difference between faith and fact.  Faith-based knowledge is based on ideas, and fact based knowledge is based on evidence.  Humans tend to vacillate between the two.

  3. you can't know something unless you understand how it works, this means you have to use science.-blurey

  4. It has nothing to do with any-ones' "opinion", what defines science is that it is a "best available knowledge" system of explaining things; unlike with dogma, if a provable better explanation comes along, science happily throws the old one out and adopts the new one.

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