
Why does seeing my friends act like that change me?

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So I knew my friends smoked/drank/other stuff, but I've never been with them when they did. We're only 15 & I know it probably isn't their wisest decision, but they are my friends & I <3 them no matter what. The thing is, a couple of days ago was the first time I saw them smoke and drink & I reacted crazily. It totally repelled me, like they pushed me away. I'm a total goodie goodie, which is why this happened, but I got really nervous, and irrational, so we took a bus ride home [in silence] and I haven't said a word to them in 3 days because I am shocked, even though I knew they did it previously. Why do I want to be away from them? Is this normal? What should I do?!?!?





  1. this is normal. I went edge at 16 and pretty much lost all but 2 friends. It&#039;s hard for us to watch our friends do bad things to themselves, and there really isn&#039;t much we can do about it to change anything either and that is the hard part. You can keep them as friends, but you should look for some new ones that won&#039;t put you in those weird situations, and stick to your guns.

  2. Normal. You were in denial about their habits, but seeing it in person broke through all that and now you have to make choices. You have to decide whether you want to surround yourself with stoners who will influence you and drag you to their level of stupidity --- or --- whether you have lost respect for them and they have contaminated the friendship.  

  3. totally normal! they disappointed u! until a few days ago it was all talk. my bffs in jr high would say they slept with 5 guys when they were both still virgins, just to one up each other. and also to make me feel like i was missing out on sumthing. trust me as another goodie-goodie ur not missing out on anything as far as the drinking and smoking goes. except maybe a fatal accident. which a friend of mine was recently in. let ur friends know that they disappointed u &amp; now ur really concerned for their health and well being. good luck girl!!!

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