
Why does s*x hurt???

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I am a 26 year old female, and 9 out of 10 times s*x is painful for me. the 10th time it still doesn't feel good but it doesn't hurt. I've been sexually active for just over a year now. I've been to the doctor, the gynocologist. And they say everything is normal. My husband makes sure he takes a lot of time for foreplay, which I enjoy...but why must it hurt so? Is there anybody out there like me?




  1. Hi Moni, tough question, it is good you are looking for solutions, what is the issue; pain in the act, is it friction from thrusting or simple pain from the act of insertion into your body ? Can you m********e without pain - if so what is the difference bewteen the two ?

    Without a lot of definition of the pain; I would add make sure you use lube; place it on his p***s and at the opening of your vj.

    You might benfit from a s*x therapist, think Dr Ruth, no wait dont. They are pros at identifying the issue and means to solve it. Good luck  

  2. either u have a disease or ur v****a is 2 small 4 ur partners d**k

  3. It could just be his size.

    Cause if it's too big for your liking, it'll hurt.

    Personal experience with me.

  4. I agree with Rihanna

  5. If physical issues have been ruled out by the gynaecologist, then maybe it's a mental problem as opposed to a physical one, your GP may be able to refer you to a s*x therapist.

    I have the EXACT same issue as you. I also see no reason why I should find it a problem. Speak to your Dr again

  6. ive also found that alot of times it doesn't feel good to me either, it makes me really insecure because i don't want to fake it, are you comfortable with yourself because if you aren't it may be your bodies way of telling you to not do it.

  7. I would suggest getting a second and possibly a third opinion from different doctors. Not to scare you in any way but cervical cancers and other vaginal diseases will cause that to happen. Sad thing, is many people take what they hear from one physician, without a second opinion. Then by the time the problem is found... it may be too late.

    Once you have a couple opinions, and if all ends up well... you need to speak with your doctor about the pain and possible reasoning and perhaps certain positions that may reduce the pain you feel.
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