
Why does she act like this?

by Guest66966  |  earlier

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I am that kind of person that always has the giggles. Naturally i watch alot of comdies but whenever I watch anything with my mother she never laughfs at all it pisses me off so bad. Not only does she not have a sense of humor but she shows no emtions at all expect for anger. She is very cold and distant. She also has no anger build up like one time when we were coming home (pulling in the drive way) I was just like why dont u back up and park so its easier to get out? (my dad was standing in the yard) and she pulled in and jumped out of the car and yelled so my father would hear that she was so glad she was home because I was driving her crazy then he like yelled at me and it depresses me when I get yelled at for things like this that I really didnt do anything wrong. She also says I talk to much because I stay to myself all day and tought maybe they would like to hear about things I did or things I heard that I thought was funny. Why does she act like this? They act like they hate me or something because she always compares me to my older sister. Like one time she was like well ashley was never like this and i said yeah well i am not ashley, am I. they shes like ur jealous of ur sister. what? she the one that brought her up! Never in my life has she ever said I love you or gave me a hug. One time I hugged and kissed her on both cheeks ( lol they do it in europe so i wanted to try it and see what it would be like to greet someone in europe) she totally freaked out and said ewww! are u a fuddie dud. Does anyone else know someone that acts like this?




  1. Some parents are like that with their kids which is sad to me. Your mom probably didn't receive that much love from her parents and she's trying to do the same to you! Hopefully you and your mom can do an activity together that will you guys closer :) If I were you I'd settle down with her in a quiet area where you guys can't be interuppted and talk to her about how you feel.

  2. i think the probablem is that    she is mad about something or   is bottling something up maybe she needs some ont to talk to  

  3. i sorta have the same prob my moms the same way but she laughs, but shes never given me a hug or said she loved me.

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