
Why does she copy me all the time?

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so my friend who i've known for like forever I jsut started noticing htat shwe wants to be like me!

she copy's me all the time

for example: I get my hair iwth full front bangs- she gets them next year

I gget side bangs- she pushes her bangs off to the side

she gets the same backpack at me this year!

The thing is that she usally copied me like when I was doene with my trend but now she's doing everything I do...

if I wear my hair straight she does

If I wear it curly she does

I think she knows she's doing it but she can't notice that eveyrone can also see she's doing it...

it's annoying but IDK hwo to get her off my back?

when I ask her why she got that haircut or something she has an exuse for it... liek it wasn'th er fault!




  1. That's mean.

    She looks up to you and you're being a jerk about it.

    If you're looking to hurt her feelings, just stop being her friend.

    It's probably better off that way.

  2. Okay, I think you're think too much. Seriously, I don't think she's intentionally copying you, and even if she is, that's okay because it doesn't seem like she's taking your personality or anything. Okay, so she liked your hair and wanted to get the cut for herself because she thought it was cute; is that really so bad? The back back is probably a coincidence, but even if it wasn't, again, she thought your backpack was cute and wanted one like it, I'd think you'd be a little flattered that she thinks you have good taste. I wouldn't worry about it, unless she starts taking it to a new level, like dressing like you or acting like you, let it be, and be happy that she admires you.

  3. Just be like "I liked your hair when it was ...."

  4. I know its really annoying but remember that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

    the most important thing is not to cut of your nose to spite... the last thing you want is to end up with some horrid haircut just so she wont copy you. How about suggesting haircuts/ clothes that you think would suit her better, cos the last thing you want to do is lose a friend because of it.

  5. somebody's a little narcissist :D

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