
Why does she not understand what I'm going through?

by Guest61110  |  earlier

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You see, my grandparents came over at the same time i was having my second period! So i was moody. But, Mary(my grandma),didn't get it. We were at the park and i was moody in a bad way. I was wondering where the water fountain was, and she asked if i knew where it was! Wow. I am pretty sure she knew about my period but... Oh well. Anyways, when i answered(kinda rude but... mood swing duh) she said snootily to me that i didn't have to be snotty to her. Isn't that weird? Why doesn't she understand? Oh, btw, I'm ten. Please help me. She's still here! At my house!




  1. she does know what you are going through, if she does in fact know that you have your period. She may not know, but even if she does she also knows that you still have to be respectful to people even when you don't feel well. Some of us get moodier than others, but we all feel pretty crappy and have to get over it.  

  2. Sorry to hear that. I would tell you to try some chamomille tea. It might help soothe the swings. Try some deep breathing and apologize and explain to grandma. she might have a suggestion for you as well.

    Feel better.  

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