My daughter is 15 months old.
for the majority of the time she has slept in my bed with me, for a while! about a week or so long she had started to sleep thru the entire night,this was about when she was around 9 months maybe.
after that week, she went back to waking maybe 2 or 3x.
now, at fifteen months she wakes constantly!
geez its just me and her at home, so i constantly have to get up and give her a bottle still,she weighs 27 not sure if i should be giving her a bottle during the night. or what? but im sooo sleepy, i have to get up and go to work.!
my mom watches her during the day and keeps her in bed with her as well.
so, i dont know what to do, she does have her own bedroom, but doesnt use it. its just a toy room i guess.
what can i do to help her sleep during the night, she has 7 teeth, but if she were teething still wouldnt she be just as fussy during the day? and she isnt, just at night.HELP