
Why does she text me like this?

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Well this girl i know just texts me with o ya lol etc. When i talk to her inperson shes fine. She actually talks. I just dont know why she wont talk like she does when shes in person. Anyone know why? Maybe she hates me? Or texting itself? (I do not text her a ton eather so she cant be annoyed). Or know a way to get her to open up?





  1. its just texting, if she is normal in person then don't worry

    you could be brave and just ask, that would be cute

  2. edit

  3. Maybe she likes the in person better.  You can see expressions and you can ask quicker if you don't know what the other person is talking about.  

    Maybe she is a bad speller and doesn't want you to know.  If you are talking to her, ask her.  

    Some people just are not phone people.

  4. most people find it difficult to get out wut they REALLY mean through words. i do too. some people think im a different person when i text them. kinda weird. but thats wut im interpreting's going on. well, hope i was helpful. best of luck!

  5. i'm in the same situation with you.  I know this one girl who i am good friends with and we talk all the time and can hold a conversation for hour but when she starts texting me its like talking to someone with no social skills.  not everyone can talk via keyboard

  6. a "texting conversation" isnt something you should base your opinion of a person off of. if she is very friendly and nice in person, whats the big deal if she texts very little? i have a cousin who will text me with, ok, and ya's all the time after i write her a novel. lol.  

  7. text's contrary to belief are not made for whole conversations, maybe she knows that.

    plus you can only fit 160 characters in a msg.

  8. Well, you may just have to ask her questions that require a response.  She may get tired of texting, have you asked if you can call her sometime?

    Sounds like she's not put-off by you so now maybe you can work on some non-texting convos ;)  

  9. tell her that you woulld like more then one letter reply and stuff like that. just tell her that you would like her to be more comfurtable talking to you, and stuff if you open up to  her she will feel more comfortable talking to you

  10. i completely agree with miller b up there.  

  11. You're basically leading the conversation.  What you need to do is ask her something about her self that she can't answer with idk, to get her to lead on the conversation.

    Answer mine?;...

  12. its fine hunnie dont worry yourself too mucho.

    maybe bring it up one day?

    then u will find the truth in your heart.

  13. maybe texting is just not her thing..and plus its hard to act the same way in person as through a text  

  14. its just her texting persona. a lot of people are like that when they are texting. try talking about stuff that she will have to reply with something other than OMG WTF LOL YA

  15. well try to communicate with her.

    talk to her in person and tell her that you don't like how she writes to you when she is texting and tell her what you like when you text with other people.

  16. When people send me dumb texts like that I always reply with "huh???" - that makes them elaborate and explain themselves.  

  17. umm. maybe she lieks you,. but yyur dumbass. wont txt her. so when yu do txt her shes too angry to even talk to yu.. so yu feel bad.. *** holeeee.LEdOUCHE

  18. some people think they are cool by sending out a lot of texts and do it when they are with their friends to look cool; also, sometimes their friends get ahold of the phone and play around by sending stupid texts back and forth.  Sometimes, just texting is fun and you want to get responses but they aren't really meaningful conversation, just a fun volley. actually, she may just want to connect with you and is insecure and has nothing concrete to say but just wants to be in touch with you, why dont you respond to her nonsense texts with a substantive question, appropriate to what you two talk about when you do talk in person and see if you can redirect the convo to something substantive.

  19. Maybe she doesnt like texting like you say, or doesnt want to look stupid by saying something stupid on text, you know? dont worry about the texting part, just talk more in person or actually ON the phone silly.

  20. Girls like texting in slang or short hand(I know I am one). Just ask her to elaborate next time she texts.

  21. It's hard to communicate through texting. A lot of people just don't like it. You can't express tone or meaning easily. Also, a lot of people have limited texting and don't want to start up a long conversation via text.

    Maybe she would rather you call her, especially if she seems normal in person. Just ask. :)

  22. maybe she texts everyone like that

    check with another friend who texts her and ask them how she texts them.

  23. just stop texting her and see if she texts you.

  24. tell her to text more or youll be very angry

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