
Why does she think everything is gonna be back to normal after what happened in 8th grade?

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this girl was new on the first day of school in 8th grade. alot of my friends felt sorry for her so they decided to make her feel comfortable. i sensed alot alot of negative energy around her so i really didn't want to be by her. but i was worried she would hurt my friends so i went with them. well...that was their biggest mistake ever. after a month, we saw the true her

she wanted everyone to hang out with her, she made people include her in everything, she butted into personal conversations, she shoved her beliefs down our throats, she didn't accept me for being bisexual, whenever she didn't get what she wanted she would start crying and run up to the councilor's office. my friends couldn't take her anymore so i warned her not to **** with my friends anymore. she ignored it and she made them go insane. there was a huge fight (not violence just shouting) and she came crying to me. she wanted me to stay by her side and for some unknown reason, i did

i should of never done that. she started interfering with my life and i couldn't take it. i told her to leave all my friends alone because none of us liked her (it's true) and she's not welcome anymore to sit with us. she went up crying to the councilors office everyday and the councilor got so fed up with her that she called her mother

she saw how happy we were without her and she decided to make things worse. she made a false rumor that i was going out with my best friend (but i was going out with a guy at the time) and my friend decided to end all this fighting once and for all. at the end of the school year, we all decided that we would never be her friend again

summer is nearly over and today, all the freshman had a tour of the highschool. she came up to us (not me because during the summer, i threatened to call the police on her) and tried to be our friend. why does she think we're gonna accept her after everything that happened? she was a ***** to us and all my friends agreed that we would never be around someone who was like that




  1. Agreed, just don't stoop to her level. These types of people really just don't get this sort of thing, they just think it's normal behaviour; believe me, I've had one and the only was I got away from her was when I move to a different country with my family.

    Naturally she's jealous that you've excluded her, so maybe you and your friends should go to the councillor's office and explain what's going on, then see what goes on from there. I'm guessing she'll sit you down with your problematic buddy and talk it through. She'll offer more help then I could give.  

  2. tell your friends to ignore her. when ever she wont go away, tell her to leave you alone. if she does something bad to you and your friends, fight back. like spreading a rumor. do it back with a more juicier rumor.

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