
Why does sirius radio suck so bad?

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Why does sirius radio suck so bad?




  1. I like sirius radio

  2. because its awesome. =]

  3. Because everyone you know has it but you. Sucks for you.....bad.

  4. You don't like the programming? You don't get good reception? Your question is unanswerable.

    That's why they make chocolate AND vanilla. There's a Little thingy on the receiver - it's called an on/off button. If you don't like what you hear turn it off and listen to something else.

    I prefer XM, but I wouldn't ask a question like this because I am tolerant. Look up tolerance in the dictionary and maybe you'll learn from it.

    -a guy named duh

  5. Matter of opinion but actually both services have good and bad programming I find personally

  6. uh.....'cause they aren't planning on a "All Hannah Montanna" channel??? Sorry. Go back to regular what SUCK actually means!!!

  7. The reason it sucks is because you haven't found the one channel that's worth paying for which you would want to listen to all the time.

    How many people want to hear all-Martha Stewart all the time?  All Bruce Springsteen?  All Howard Stern?  And what do they broadcast on the NFL channel when there's no football game on?

    Sure, you can change the channel when you want something else, but do you want to be fiddling around with the radio so much when you're driving?  

    IMO, the problem is the concept of having highly focused channels that attract small audiences of people who actually do want to hear one particular channel all the time.

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