
Why does so many people believe that High Fat Diets Are Bad? (not for Vegetarians)?

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The national “fat hysteria” got so bad that back in 1989 National Academy of Sciences advised everybody, regardless of the presence or absence of risk for coronary heart disease, to go on a restricted diet low in fat. The Lords of Lowfat loved this, and the food industry

proceeded to take advantage of the situation, as they always do, and come out with a whole new line of “lowfat” or “fat free” products, many of which were neither.

As a result, people began eating those carbs. They began watching what they ate. Above all, they became aware of the fat they were eating and did their best to avoid it like a plague. And, guess what? As a society we got fatter than ever. We’re getting fatter all the time. The heart attack parade hasn’t stopped. What’s wrong with this picture?

People have a bad attitude about dietary fat, and its most often based on total mistruth. They think that if you eat fat, you get fat. That’s what everybody in the media, medical, and food industry is telling them. Why question it? The fact is, sometimes you’ve got to question authority. The reality is that the less fat you eat, the more your body will want to store it and pack it on when given the opportunity. Much

of this comes from the chronic levels of high insulin caused by high carb diets. These chronic levels will really pack the fat on when present. The more carbs you eat, the more insulin you’ll produce and the more fat you’ll pack. Though it may sound crazy, the truth is


If you have no dietary fat in the body, the body wants to produce it. It anticipates disaster and wants to store it up as a hedge against hard times. The body is a conservative instrument, especially in matters of survival. What happens when you’re on the High Fat diet is that the

body recognizes it’s got fat in abundance, and biochemically recycles it. If the body doesn’t have it, it’s going to lay down plenty of fat from the precious amount its given.

Anywone that has ever been on a Low Carb "Atkins Diet" can tell you its great to loose weight, but evently stalls because a hormone called Leptin. Leptin functions is essential for weight management, combating the effects of aging, and attaining optimum health. Problems with Leptin are the primary cause of food cravings, overeating, faulty metabolism, obsessions with food, and heart disease.

Keep in mind about 20-30% of the fat consumed was polymono and polyunsaturated and omega fatty acids. The Diet is called "Anabolic Diet"

And with personal experence following this diet I lost over 65lbs in 6 months gained over 15lbs of lean mass, and 90% of weight lost was pure fat! LDL went up HDL went down was Borderline Diabetic now normal blood sugar levels. I could go on and on... the benifits were just awesome! So back to the question?




  1. High-carb diets keep your insulin levels high.  Insulin causes fat storage and prevents fat burning.

    A high fat, adequate protein, low carbohydrate diet will keep your insulin levels low and promote fat burning.

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