
Why does so many people dismiss the entire Bible as fictional when it is evident that some facts in it are ?

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historically correct? Like the Books of Kings and the common sense quote from proverbs. I understand that it is filled with some stories that are hard to believe, such as Adam and Eve and The Great Flood but many of the scriptures are historically correct. Wouldn't it make more sense for people to evaluate the Bible to find the historically correct facts than for people dismiss the entire book as a myth?




  1. The book was written as a sign of its times.

    Most of it IS fiction, but it also contains historical facts because of the time it was written in.

    So--at best--its an historical document. The rest is myth and fantasy...even if you take into account the fact that early translators embellished the stories for dramatic effect.  

  2. Yes, you are right, there really is a Jerusalem.

  3. You fool. You blind fool.

  4. There R MANY "Historical Fiction novels" based on a kernel of truth, yet no 1 would suggest we call such "History books" !!  

  5. The same way I dismiss Harry Potter as fiction when there are some facts in it? Like - snakes in zoos are kept behind glass. And - people leave primary school at 11?


  6. >>>Why does so many people dismiss the entire Bible as fictional when it is evident that some facts in it are historically correct?

    The Sherlock Holmes novels contain even more historically correct information, and ALL of the geographic information is correct, but no one would consider calling them anything other than fiction.

  7. Because they are FOOLISH unbelievers. They are in a deep sleep in the darkness; WE Christians thankfully are smart enough to see the LIGHT!

    God Bless xoxoxo

  8. Common sense isn't the same thing as historically accurate facts.

  9. Because they are ignorant and blinded to the truth. They either don't like what they read cause it doesn't fit their lifestyle, or they just straight out don't care.

  10. "Why does so many people dismiss the entire Bible as fictional when it is evident that some facts in it are historically correct?"

    Because many of the atheists who so pride themselves on their "rationality" are in fact intellectually lazy, and can't even be bothered to familiarise themselves with the things the criticize.

  11. There are very few fictional works which do not contain some fact.

    Gone With the Wind takes place mostly in Atlanta and mostly during the civil War, but that doesn't mean it is true.

    Harry Potter takes place in England, but that doesn't make it true.

    The DaVinci code takes place in various real locations in Europe but that doesn't make it true.


    Atheists like me are fully aware there are some real places and events depicted in the Bible.

    We also know there are many myths there.

    We reject the premise it is the word of god, because there is no god.

  12. We have archaeology and history for that.

  13. If they allow themselves to believe part they are afraid they might end up believing it all.It scares them silly!

  14. In Homer's Illiad, the story takes place in Troy, which was a real city.  By that piece of historical fact, do you then believe in the invincibility of Achilles, or of Odysseus' trip across the Mediterranean fighting off cyclops, harpies and witches?  Of of Aeneas and the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus after they were raised by a mother wolf?  Or how about Zeus living at the top of Mt. Olympus, as it is a real place?  Most mythology is developed because of an exaggeration of actual places and events.  There are other sources you can turn to which give a factual account of history without mixing in superstitious doctrines.  See Herodotus, Thucydides, or Plutarch as examples.

  15. Huckleberry Finn has some statements in it that are factually and historically correct.  For example, it mentions that there were slaves, and that there is a Mississippi River.  Does this mean that the entire book is therefore acceptable as non-fiction?  

    I think not.

  16. there are many things that are true in harry potter books like schools, trains, parents, etc.

    should i now worship j k rowling for mentioning many things that are real amongst the fantasy she spun

  17. Because they are educated idiots who are book smart but have zero common sense.

  18. Because of things that dont make sense (bats being birds, world flooding and leaving a few people to insest their way back to billions.) we say that it has nothing to do with any devine intervention, but is a fabrication of man. Mans creativity, fear, and lack of knowledge has written the bible, not a magical being.

    that being said, I dont disagree that there is some interesting, correct, and moral parts/stories about the bible. But thats true with most books.

  19. You ask a very valid question; however, I think a more accurate question would be why are people ready to dismiss the Bible when it is evident that the prophecies predicted in it are coming to pass right before their very eyes?

    The reason, however, is sadly simple:  to believe the Bible is accurate historically means one must also accept as accurate what God says regarding sin.  And that is a road too many people in this day and age do not want to walk down.

  20. the flood is actually one of the more believable parts  of the bible because many groups from the area have flood stories about a great flood and they looked into it and found i think about 7500 years ago the black sea flooded going into the arctic ocean explaining where all the flood stories came from

  21. Chosen one - If we were book smart, we'd know what was in the bible.

  22. Some of the histories have some actual factual value; some parts of the New Testament can be externally corroborated.

    But the Torah is almost hopelessly apocryphal, and there are a number of fairly major internal and external contradictions in the NT.

    Jerusalem does not prove God (or even David) any more than King's Cross Station proves Harry Potter.

  23. Whats so hard to believe about Adam and Noah?

    Num 23:19 God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?  

  24. Indeed!  Which is why you should not dismiss the entire "War And Peace" by Tolstoy. After all, that war was real, as was Russia, and Napoleon, and ...wait a minute!  .. how about one of the Danielle Steele romantic novels set in the real city of Paris? So now we have three holy books! Get the drift???

  25. It's almost as historically correct as Gone With The Wind.

    Happy now?

  26. The geographical, political facts are not disputed. But then, I could write a book with today's geography and today's politics and make up a story of gods, angels, and heroes. Would that make the book right, or just the parts in it that are historical right?

  27. Just because two sentences out of that double damned document is true doesn't mean the rest is valid.

    Perhaps there were events that the double damned document is based on, and yet some how the book manages to twist it around and makes lies out of everything else.

    Historically correct? Historically that double damned document wasn't even compiled until after the Roman empire disintegrated. Why should I believe a document that isn't even a primary source?

    Why should I believe in a document that has been used to justify the murder and suppression of well over a million lives?

  28. Because they fail to see the truth. Paul told the Corinthians, "If our gospel be hid, it is hid from those who the enemy of God has blinded, lest they see the truth" (my paraphrasing).  

  29. Their is no evidence of Noah's ark, it's a load of c**p to actually say that. The story of Noah's ark is just an impossible fairytale, lol the bible is laughably historically incorrect. Adam and eve is even more a load of c**p with no EVIDENCE, grow up and put down you childish "See spot run" book.

  30. I said the same thing about Harry Potter, and they laughed at me.

    London is clearly a real place, so it makes sense that Hogwarts is around there somewhere.

  31. Yes, I think it is silly.

    And how can you dismiss poetry, and what about the prophecy that has not been proven wrong or right yet

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