
Why does society finds a woman who grows a beard disgusting?

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I am a 29 year old woman, who grew a beard with the use of testosterone and steroids for the last 8 years by choice. I love the choice I made and don't regret it. But, I wanted to get some views on why society finds this disgusting?




  1. Shame on you, you silly.  What doctor would give you testerone for such a use?  You were probsably just beautifull without it.  Leave the beards to the hansome men.  I hope your lovely female body wasn't ruined othrwise.

  2. Whatever floats your boat.

  3. Same reason society thinks men wearing dresses is disgusting. Some people don't find being like the opposite gender attractive.

  4. Well, I guess it's because most women only like to have a flowing mane on the top of their head, and not their chinny chin chin. :)

    Are you a transgender person? If you are happy with it, it shouldn't matter what others think.

  5. I think its great, gives me something to hold onto.

  6. Pics or it didn't happen.

  7. If you are even serious, you said it yourself; You had to use testosterone and steroids. Women do not grow beards by natural means (In extreme cases, for a particularly hairy woman, she might show some stubble on her upper lip)...

    People do not react positively to that which is different and unnatural. They react to such things with fear and that leads to hostility.

  8. well women with bear is a sign of disgrace cuz it basically means that she is lazy...

    i mean when u look at working men (office employees), they don't have bears and other stuff... that's professionalism.  women should behave the same

    by the way, who the heck on earth would want a beard?  btw, u don't get beard from using steroids... so u r probably lying.

  9. Because beards are a masculine thing.  That is why you needed hormone treatment to grow one.  Society doesn't do well with the bending of gender roles.  You expect it would be accepting of full on gender bending?  It wouldn't be gross if I just decided to take female hormones to grow some b*****s?  Did you know that a recent survey showed 95% of people find clowns to be creepy.  This was because you can never really tell what they are feeling.  It is in our psychology.  We as people like to know what is what.  Androgeny is a rather unsettling thing for most people.

  10. Because it is. You said it yourself, "who grew a beard with the use of testosterone and steroids".Nature did not create females with high testosterone levels in the same way Nature did not create males with high oestrogen levels.

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