
Why does society let girls do everything guys do, but not vice-versa?

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I.e. there are numerous things girls do daily that if a guy did them, he would be laughed at or worse.




  1. bcuz of the d**n feminists. they claim to work their *** off for equality yet they work their *** off to do the opposite.  

  2. because (straight) men dont want to be women but women want to feel like they can do men things. i hope that doesnt sound sexist.

  3. Because I know quite a few straight guys and the only "feminine" things they would do is wash their face with a special soap in the morning. Typically, men who are "manly" don't do feminine things because they want to BE that manly man that they grew up idealizing. Women are wanting a more "equal" state of mind but really, feminists are just making it worse and deaming men who perform feminine acts as homosexuals and women who don't work for a living but raise a family and take care of that family as "un-real-women." It's sad. But whatever, what can you do? Right?

    I like my manly men. I don't want a guy to take longer to get ready than me and I certainly want to be feminine. I like the fact that my man wants to bring home the majority of the money and I take care of the children. It's not for everyone but sometimes you just have to break molds.

    -Later Gator-

  4. Because guys are supposed the 'manly' ones and most people are homophobic. For example, if a guy dressed up as a girl, they'd assume he's g*y and he would come on to them. If a girl dresses as a guy, (stone butch) she'd have more guy friends who can relate to her, and mostly, they get along with the girls as well, since the girls aren't 'macho.' They don't have to worry about their manhood being taken away because they aren't men, and those don't have those emotions. However, some girls are scared of those stone butch ones. I seen it before.

  5. I agree, it's unfair. I know some men who do very typically "feminine" things and they're free to be who they are despite peoples ridicule, and I respect them for that. Life is short and Im glad they don't get fixated on the opinions of narrowminded strangers who want to put them in a box.

  6. Because we as humans have become mindless morons who allow the Liberal J ack A ssess to control our lives and tell US whats right and wrong and what we should and should not do.  WAKE UP people start thinking for yourselves.  THINK for yourselves. Right or Wrong at least you will still be an individual, not a mindless sack of c**p!  Was the world that our fathers and mothers, and grandparents lived in so bad?... It was 100% better than todays world.  Think about it.

  7. Girl/woman things are still generally seen as *less* and inferior still, that few men would be caught dead doing.

    Just a bit of old lingering attitudes from generations ago.

  8. because the world is totally f uc ked up now...woman are not men and we pretend they are and men are becoming more and more the end we will be grey sexless androids.

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